long time no see

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tw: turkey boy joe

and side note in case it's not obvious, none of them are famous in this one

Taylor's POV

"God, are you ready yet?" Joe huffed, and I looked up to see him staring at me in the mirror from the bathroom door.

"Almost." I put my mascara down. "I just need to find my purse."

"Well fucking hurry up about it, you know my friends are waiting for us." Joe grumbled, turning away. I sighed, fluffing out my sculpted waves of blonde hair and giving myself one last check in the mirror. My black dress was simple, fitted, and I liked the way it showed off my chest in a classy but not super obvious way. I wore knee high black boots, my back bare from the waist up.

inspo for tay's dress

inspo for tay's dress

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Leaving the bathroom, I grabbed my purse and checked to make sure I had my phone, ID, wallet, and some tampons just in case. I was on birth control, but once I'd run into a girl in a club who had her period and I hadn't had anything with me. Now, I always took something with me just in case.

Joe huffed at me when I walked down to where he was waiting by the front door, but I pretended not to notice. In the four years we'd been together now, the romance had lasted less than one. Right after he'd moved into my apartment with me, it had become less like a mid twenties couple and more like strange friends or roommates that fought a lot and had sex less than they smiled. But I knew he loved me, so it wasn't all bad.

"You can drive." Joe shoved my car keys into my hand. "I don't feel like it."

"Kay." I sighed, not bothering to argue with him even though I couldn't remember the last time Joe had driven anywhere. He never felt like it.

It took me twenty minutes to drive to the bar that Joe's friends were meeting at, and I couldn't find a park so I was forced to drop Joe by the door. He went inside and I sighed to myself, pulling back out into the road. There was a park a few blocks away that I found so I parked there, doubling back and walking to the club. I got inside and looked around for Joe, locating him when I heard a roar of laughter from an obnoxiously loud group of men and women.

Hooking my purse higher over my shoulder, I forced a small smile and walked over. I located Joe and he glanced over, barely paying me any attention except to grab my waist and yank me close. I stumbled, catching my balance as he turned back to whoever he'd been talking to. 

I felt awkward just standing there, since I barely knew any of the people that were around me. Some of them I'd met before, but all I knew were their names. They weren't my friends. We'd only ever exchanged polite greetings and casual exchanges. They didn't seem to like me very much, and I wasn't too keen on them either. They all drank too much, smoked too much, spent too much time partying like they had nothing better to do with their lives. 

Timeless: Tayvis OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now