the night of us

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Travis' POV

I heard it when Taylor came home, and unsurprisingly, I heard her lilting laugh accompanied by another giggling voice. I'd been expecting Gracie to come home with Taylor so I wasn't at all surprised. Those two were attached at the hip every time they went out together. 

"Tra-vis?" Taylor called in a sing song voice. "Babe are you home?"

Getting out of bed from where I was reading, I put my book down and went out into the hallway. Taylor and Gracie were clinging to each other, giggling as they hung on for dear life, trying to walk. I sighed at them, and Taylor looked up at me. She smiled widely, letting go of Gracie and running into my arms.

"Hi babe." She giggled, wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Hey there baby." I chuckled. "Did you guys have fun?" 

"Taylor danced so much she almost threw up." Gracie told me, running her hands through her hair.

"Course she did." I looked down at my girlfriend, who was clinging to me like a little monkey. 

"Taylor come on." Gracie nudged her. "We have to get that song started before we forget."

"Right, right." Taylor stumbled to regain her balance. "We came up with some ideas for a song." She explained to me. "So we're gonna do that."

"Okay, just drink some water first!" I called after them as the two women rushed off to Taylor's studio, and Taylor waved her hand to let me know I'd been heard. Shaking my head fondly, I watched them go. 

Going down to the kitchen, I got two plastic cups and filled them with water before taking them down to the studio. Gracie was sitting at the piano, picking out a tune, correcting herself, talking to Taylor. I set the glasses down without a word, not wanting to interrupt them. I knew how much they got into the zone when they got writing, so I retreated back to our bedroom and picked my book back up. 

I could hear the muffled sound of singing and piano playing from down the hall as I read, and it sounded like they were really doing something brilliant. Of course they were; I didn't think Taylor or Gracie were capable of making anything less than perfect. 

After a while, I got tired and put my book down. The girls were still working so I just turned off the light and lay down. They could be working for hours, so I didn't bother going to check on them, knowing they'd both be so wrapped up in the process that they wouldn't even notice me. I tossed and turned for a little while before I fell asleep, not used to having my arms empty, but eventually I managed to drift off.

I wasn't sure how long I'd slept for, but after a while I was woken by a loud clattering sound like something had been knocked over. Rolling over, I yawned and buried my face in the pillow, trying to go back to sleep. But then I heard a little shriek that definitely came from Taylor and my head snapped up, alerted by the tone of her voice. I was out of bed in a second, moving towards the door.

"Shit!" I heard Gracie shout. "Grab do have a fire extinguisher right?"

God, had they set something on fire? I'd seen people do some stupid things drunk before, but if Taylor and Gracie had managed to set fire to something, that would definitely take the top spot.

"How the fuck do you work this thing?" I heard Taylor ask, and then I rounded the corner into the kitchen.

Taylor was standing between the cupboards and the kitchen island, fiddling with a fire extinguisher, with Gracie standing back, looking like she was taking a video. On the kitchen island, something had lit on fire, and it was getting quite big. Gracie looked over at me and smiled awkwardly like they'd been caught.

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