nothing better than revenge

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another bonus chapter from over the fence
set before the epilogue of the first book, one year after Andrea's death

tw: violence, murder, all that good shit

Ali's POV

Every morning since we'd moved to Greece, I'd woke up with damp circles on my pillow, my heart hanging heavy, my mother's dead body the first thing I saw in my mind. But for the first time, when my eyes fluttered open, I didn't feel like I was curled up in rock bottom. I still felt so terrible, but it was better than I'd expected.

Rolling onto my back, I peeked over my shoulder to see my husband's side of the bed empty. He was probably making breakfast. Travis had been working so hard trying to make sure I ate enough, and every morning he made something different in an attempt to do that. It hurt me to see him trying to hard to make me feel better when I knew seeing me in pain caused him pain, but that was how marriage worked. We leaned on each other.

"Hey, good morning doll." Travis edged the door open, a mug in his hands, which he put down on the nightstand before taking a seat on the bed. "How do you feel?" My husband asked, stroking some hair out of my face.

"Not too bad." I mumbled. "Just flat, but I didn't cry when I woke up."

"That's amazing doll, I'm so proud of you." Travis leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I made some tea if you want, but you don't have to drink it. Breakfast will be ready soon."

"Okay, thank you." I whispered. Travis' fingers lingered on my cheek for a moment, and he smiled before getting up and going to finish breakfast.

Sitting up, I ran my hands through my hair and looked at the slightly open door. Biting my lip, I leaned over and reached beneath the mattress, extracting the file I'd hidden there. Travis didn't know I had it, well, I hoped he didn't. It was all of the information I currently had on my father and his ex-wife, Clarissa. I hadn't been able to let go, and I just wanted them dead. She'd tried to kill me, and she would have succeeded if they hadn't found me so quickly. And my father had never deserved life, not since he'd left, not since he'd pushed me aside. I wanted revenge. 

I needed revenge.

Making a quick decision, I clasped the file to my chest and got out of bed, Travis' shirt falling halfway down my bare thighs. Biting my lip, I walked down to the kitchen where Travis was putting some waffles onto a plate. He turned around when he heard me, eyes immediately going to the file I held. 

"Is it time?" He asked.

"What?" I blinked.

"Doll I'm not an idiot, I've known you had that since the day you first hid it under the mattress." Travis motioned to the file. "I know why you're always adding to it. So I'm asking you if it's time."

"Yes." I whispered. 

Of course he knew. Travis knew everything about me, so I wasn't surprised that he knew what I intended to do. He nodded.

"Okay doll, I'll book some flights." He said. "Come and eat some breakfast while I pack, and I'll make sure we have everything we need." Travis held out his hand and I passed him the file, which he tucked under his arm. "Hey, come here doll." He murmured, and I walked into his arms, resting my head against his chest. "I love you." Travis kissed my forehead. "And we'll make them pay for what they did to us. They'll never hurt you again."

"I love you too." I whispered.

As Travis went to go and pack some things for us, I sat down at the table with the waffles and fruit he'd made me. My eyes drifted out of the window and I managed a small smile when I saw Concrete and Betty lolling around in the front garden, soaking up the sunshine together. I watched our pets as I stabbed at my food, picking at it as I tried my best to eat.

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