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'and i bet the thermostat's set at 6 9'

Travis' POV

"I'm home!" I heard the lilting voice of my beautiful wife come down from the front door and smiled, looking up just in time to see her walking in. "Hi baby." Taylor's eyes softened at the sight of me, dumping her things on the table before coming over into the kitchen where I stood.

"Hey." I put down the knife I was using and wiped my hands before Taylor walked into my arms, wrapping hers around my waist. She sighed happily and relaxed against my chest as I kissed her forehead, hugging her close. "Tired my love?" I asked.

"Mhmm." She nodded. "Long day. It's so nice to be home though." Lifting her head, Taylor smiled up at me. "Missed you."

"Missed you." I replied, and Taylor stretched up for a quick kiss. "Dinner's almost ready." I told her as she ran her hands through her hair. "But there's some vegetables done if you want to pick at them while you wait."

"I might steal a few, I'm starving." Taylor winked, reaching over to grab a few potato wedges and carrots I'd taken out of the oven a few minutes ago. "So how was your day?" She asked, leaning against the bench as I kept cutting up tomatoes for the salad. I shrugged.

"Pretty quiet. Just a sleep in this morning, and then I did some chores, went to the gym, and had a meeting." I told her. "How did your session with Jack and Aaron go?" We'd come to stay in New York for a few weeks while Taylor worked on her new album, so she was out a lot of the day at the studio. I did the jobs and most dinners so she had something nice to come home to, which worked really well for us at the moment. She was working hard.

"Mhm, amazing." Taylor swallowed. "I wrote a song about a certain someone today." She winked at me and I smiled. "I'm still working on it, but once it's more developed I'll play it for you."

"Can't wait." I smiled, putting the tomato in the salad and picking up a cube to hold out to Taylor. She opened her mouth and I placed it inside, earning a cute little smile.

We chatted so much as we ate that it took us forever to eat dinner, and it had well gone dark by the time we finally got up from the table. Taylor went to put her things away as I stacked the dishwasher, and then she came to help me do the dishes, drying them after I'd washed them. I kept sneaking glances at her as we stood there, trying to gauge her mood.

It was a little bit stupid and teenage boyish, but we'd been so busy the last few days that we hadn't had an awful lot of time to ourselves. And well, I was a little horny. I couldn't tell if Taylor was too tired for anything, and I didn't want to ask in case she felt bad about saying no. I knew she had some previous experience with ex boyfriends making her do things she didn't want to do, and I would rather die than ever imply to be like that. Even though we'd been together for a long, long time, and hell we were married now. I just didn't want to pressure her. 

Unsure, I decided not to ask. Taylor seemed a little tired, and she flopped down on the couch with Benji to watch TV once she'd finished drying the dishes and putting them away. Deciding I might try a super subtle hint, I walked over to the thermostat. I had it on about 75, but I turned it down to 69. Maybe Taylor wouldn't even notice, but hey, who knew.

I had a few emails to respond to so I sat down at the table with my computer, dimming the light so it wouldn't bother Taylor as I opened it up. I glanced over at her every few seconds, chewing on the inside of my cheek. Fucking hell, why was I so worked up? I wasn't a teenager anymore, but all I could think about was taking Taylor, throwing her onto our bed, and making her scream.

"God it got colder." Taylor mumbled, and I looked over to see her rubbing her arms. I flushed as she turned her head towards the thermostat, frowning at it. "Why'd you set it at sixty nine?" She asked, turning to look at me over the back of the couch. Then she noticed my red cheeks and took a few seconds before she giggled. "Travis?" Taylor asked in a sing song voice. "Is this your way of telling me you want to fuck?"

Timeless: Tayvis OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now