long time no see (part 2)

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Travis' POV

Two days later

It wasn't like I had ever taken Taylor out on a date before, but I was shitting myself nervous as I pulled up in front of her apartment. We'd spent a lot of time on the phone in the last forty-eight hours, just texting. She'd been dealing with a lot finally kicking that asshole of a 'boyfriend' out of her apartment since all he'd done was fight with her about it, but when he'd finally left, Taylor had admitted to me that she felt so much safer.

I couldn't believe I had ever let her go the first time. Taylor and I had been so in love, young dumb and broke, living off cheap dates and car sex. But it had been perfect. Now we were twenty-six, grown up, and I still loved her. Thank god my friend had sent me the wrong address to the bar and I'd ended up seeing her there. 

Taking a deep breath to calm myself, I took the bouquet of lotus flowers I'd bought for Taylor on the way and got out of my car. I'd never forgotten a single thing about her, not her favorite flower, her favorite drink, how she liked her coffee, how she slept. I knew it all and I knew it hadn't changed. Taylor was my one and only true love and I'd be damned if I let her go again.

When I knocked, a few seconds of silence passed before I heard running footsteps and the door swung open. Taylor stood there in a plain white dress with spaghetti straps, the pearly fabric clinging to every inch of her body. And fuck, it was hard not to stare. She looked gorgeous. Little pears hung from her ears, her hair blown out into gorgeous, sculpted waves. She took my breath away.

"You're early." Taylor giggled. "Of course you are."

"For you Teddy." I murmured, holding out the flowers. Taylor melted, taking them in her arms and ducking her head to smell them.

"You remembered." She whispered, looking back up at me. 

"I never forgot." I said, and she blushed deeply, smiling.

"Okay, well come in, I'm not quite ready yet." Taylor reached out and grabbed my hand, leading me into her apartment. I closed the door behind me, looking around.

It was a very Taylor place. Cozy, covered in artwork and blankets and pictures. I could see a door open to a bedroom, which was closely the same as her childhood bedroom. Smiling to myself, I watched as Taylor went into the kitchen, finding a vase and arranging the flowers into it before placing it proudly on the table. Then she looked up at me, smiling from ear to ear.

"I'll just me a minute okay?" She said. "Feel free to look around if you want."

I nodded, watching as she rushed off to the bathroom. Once I heard the click of the door shutting, I looked around. There was no trace of anyone who lived here aside from Taylor, and I knew her ex had only been gone a day. Was this too soon? Maybe she wasn't ready for this even if she said she was. I made a note to ask her when she came out of the bathroom. I knew she hadn't really loved him for a while, but still, he'd been a big part of her life.

But I knew her, even if it had been years. Taylor was happy. Maybe she just needed to get away from that guy, and now that she had, she was my Teddy again. I felt awful that we'd been apart all of those years, that she'd suffered by her ex alone, but we had each other now and I knew I would never let go. I loved Taylor, and I always would. 

"Okay!" I heard her chirpy voice from behind me and I blinked, realizing I'd been deep in my thoughts. Turning around, I smiled when I saw her; hair now pinned half up, white heels on her feet. "I thought about wearing a jacket." She told me as I moved towards her. "But then I decided I'd steal yours later."

"Why do you think I wore it in the first place?" I murmured, focused on nothing but taking her sweet, angelic face in my hands and drawing her into a kiss. Taylor sighed, relaxing against my chest as her hands wandered up to rest against my neck, her lips just as soft and inviting as they'd been two days ago, and seven years ago. Perfect.

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