there was enough room on the fucking door

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also a quick note my timelines may not be super accurate but this is a fic so eh

April, 1912
Taylor's POV

"Welcome aboard."  A man in a tidy navy suit nodded as we stepped into the ship, and I gave a shy, friendly smile as I ducked my head. 

"Come along Taylor." Mom placed her hand on the small of my back, urging me forwards where I'd paused a little. I stumbled a little in my ridiculous shook, blushing when I caught Joe's eye. He smiled kindly, but I recoiled.

I didn't hate him, but I certainly didn't want to marry him. It was an arranged marriage, and Mom and I were going across to America with him so that we could get married with Joe's family. I hated the life I had, the prissy hats and fancy dresses and rings big enough to hurt your fingers and posh accents. And I know what you're going to say. Oh, you poor little rich girl.

Shut the fuck up. I'd rather work myself to the bone to earn my life than to have things shoved at me that I never asked for. It probably seems like the perfect life for someone who had nothing, but I'd give it all up in a heartbeat. I wanted a life, not an instruction booklet.

"Here you are Ma'am." A young man showed us to our rooms a short while later, and Mom slipped him a folded note as a tip. 

"Well, I'm going to freshen up." Mom told me, and Joe murmured something about going to his room. 

"I'm going to..." I said, but no one was listening, so I didn't bother to finish. Turning away, I removed my hat and my coat, leaving me in just my dress. I took the pins out of my hair and let it tumble down in thick golden waves around my face.

Feeling better, I moved to the door and left the room as I felt the ship start to move, the huge machines creating a slight hum beneath my feet. I managed two steps before bending down and taking off my stupid shoes, hooking my fingers through the straps and dangling them by my side as I walked. The ship was alive with people settling in, finding their rooms, and I walked out to the front deck.

I could see the port starting to fade away as the blue water swirled around the ship, the sun bright and warm on my face. Tilting my face towards the sky, I smiled to myself, feeling a cool breeze tickling my cheeks. The day was beautiful away from the bustle of the port, and even though I despised the meaning of this trip, I had to admit it was gorgeous. 

The wood smooth beneath my feet, I walked slowly across the deck to the very front of the ship, stopping at the rail. Dropping my shoes onto the deck, I grabbed the top rail and leaned over, smiling into the wind we sailed towards. I had the world before me, stretching endlessly out in a blue haze. 

"Excuse me miss?" A soft, male voice said from behind me and I turned, my eyes lifting to meet the bluey-green gaze of a man standing behind me. He had a kind face dusted with stubble, tall, built, wearing slightly worn clothes. "I think you dropped this." He offered the little silver chain bracelet I'd been wearing, and I glanced down at my wrist to see that it had indeed come loose.

"Oh, thank you." I smiled up at him, my cheeks flushing a little.

"May I?" He asked, and I nodded, stretching my right wrist forwards. He looped the bracelet around it and clipped it back on, making sure it was secure. Then he took my fingers, turning my hand over and lifting it to press his lips to my knuckles. I blushed. "A pleasure miss." He murmured.

"Taylor." I whispered. "My name is Taylor."

"Taylor." He repeated, and my name sounded like a soft brush of velvet coming from his lips. "I'm Travis."

"A pleasure." I smiled as he released my hand. I couldn't help looking him up and down again as I folded my arms behind my back, smiling a little. "Thank you." I murmured quietly, somewhat entranced by the man stood before me. "For finding my bracelet."

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