team task love

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using people from taskmaster season four as normal, but for those who don't know here's their roles:
Jeremy: taskmaster
Paul: assistant, task provider
Dai, Melania, Bubba: nz comedians

Travis' POV

I waited backstage as the first three were called onto the stage one at a time, suddenly a little nervous. I'd done a few TV shows before, but this was a little out there. We'd done mostly all of the tasks already, but I knew this was a comedy show and I didn't think I was all that funny.

"Alright, and our fourth is one of our two celebrity guests from overseas..." The taskmaster - Jeremy Wells - said and I straightened up, ready to go. "You may know him if you're an NFL fan, especially if you like the Chiefs. Ladies and gentlemen, Travis Kelce!"

I stepped out to the crowd's applause and cheers, smiling and waving as I made my way to one of the two empty chairs closer to the audience. The other three - New Zealand comedians - were clapping along. Dai Henwood, Melanie Bracewell, and Bubba. 

"And last but certainly not least." Jeremy continued, and we all turned to look where we'd walked out from backstage. "Ladies and gentlemen, try to contain yourself. Our fifth and final contestant this season is none other than the crowned queen of the music industry, Miss Taylor Swift!"

The crowd went insane as my heart skipped a beat, and the beautiful blonde who I'd had a crush on since high school walked out onto the stage. She was in a gorgeous white slip dress, hair wavy and beautiful around her face, smiling at the crowd as she waved. My eyes followed her as she smiled at the other three contestants on my left, and then her gaze shifted to me. She smiled as she sat down, making my heart flutter even more. God she was so beautiful. 

The audience clapped and cheered for a long time and Taylor laughed as she blushed, tucking one leg over the other.

"Well, Taylor." Jeremy said once the noise had died down. "You seem to be very popular."

"Apparently so." Taylor smiled at the crowd. "You guys are incredible. What a crowd." They went nuts again and she laughed, sitting back. 

"Well then, let's get started with our first task."

Three months ago

I pulled up to the task house ten minutes early, my stomach twisting with nervousness. Today was the day we were shooting all of the team tasks, and I knew who the other contestants were. Three of them were New Zealand comedians - Dai Henwood, Melanie Bracewell, and Bubba - but the other was Taylor Swift. They'd brought us both on as celebrity guests, and I'd had a crush on Taylor for a long time. I was so nervous to find out if she was on my team or not.

"Travis, hi!" Hailey, the directing supervisor, waved me over where she stood by the back door. "How are you?"

"Good." I forced a nervous smile. "How was your weekend?"

"Great thanks." She smiled back at me. "Let's get you all miced up and we can start."

I nodded, and went off to get prepped for the day. They clipped a microphone to my shirt and got me ready. Apparently my teammate was already here, which told me I was in the team of two. I grew even more nervous as they told me we were rolling, letting me know that I had to go into the lab to do the task. 

Sucking in a deep breath, I pushed through the clear sheets hung up around the lab and walked in. The blonde woman inside twirled around at the sound, and my heart skipped about five beats at once when Taylor Swift smiled widely at me. 

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