𝟏𝟖: 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐥?

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Charlie and Dior never found Archer when they went back in after him at the party. It seemed like he vanished into thin air. Or they say he did.

——— one month later ———

The wind was beginning to bite. As they all got back from Thanksgiving break ready to begin the final leg of filming, Sophia was slipping deeper and deeper into the troubles of her text message stalker.

'Why'd you run away?'

'I don't deserve this.'

'Don't make me find you myself.'

"Okay, that's where we draw the line." Charlie plucked her phone from her hand, looking through the contact info of the number.

"This guy has gyatt to stop." Aryan paused, trying so hard to hold in his laugh that his eye twitched. "Get it? Like-"

"Kindly, shut up." Leah deadpanned.

Sophia flopped down onto the carpet in the air b&b living room. "It's that bad, huh?"

They were all lounging around after moving back in their belongings for filming. Charlie, Dior, and Leah were on the couch. Aryan and Walker leaned their backs against the bottom of it, and Sophia was lying dejectedly on the floor.

Leah sighed. "You should just get another new number, maybe?"

Dior shook her head, chewing on her nail. "Nah we already tried that. Twice." They all stared off at different spots in the room, contemplating. Walker let out a sigh, leaning his head back onto the couch.

"Can we just all agree that it's this Archer guy? I mean, come on. Why'd you run away? Sounds to me like he was referencing the party."

Sophia made a noise of agreement. "Yeah, you're probably right. I just don't understand why he's still going on about it after he lost." She rolled over onto her stomach. "I say I just continue to ignore the messages. They haven't hurt me yet."

Walker scoffed. "Yeah, yet. Key word is yet. I don't want a repeat of the halloween party Soph. None of us do."

She sighed, picking at a spot on the carpet. "Well we don't have a lot of options here. I've already blocked every number, gotten a new one twice, and I never respond. there's not much more we can do."

"Well..." Charlie drew out the word. "If you promise to keep all of us updated whenever you get a new message, and we can agree that none of them are immediately concerning...then let's leave it alone."

"But-" Leah sat up, mouth open in protest.

Charlie held out his hand to stop her. "We all have a lot going on right now. Filming and everything else we juggle on a daily basis. As long as we can keep tabs on these messages then I say it's okay."

Nobody seemed to like the conclusion of their pow-wow, but it was the best they could do. There was nothing else in their power that would be suitable to stem the flow of texts. Oh well.

And so it was back to filming.

The on set aura had improved dramatically since Sophia and Walker had made up. Jokes landed easily, and the on screen chemistry between everyone was palpable. This next season was already sure to be a success.

They were set to finish filming by end of December, right before new years. It had gotten to the point that the cast was regularly posting teasers on instagram, making many of the fans even more eager for season two to drop.

Walker's back-to-filming post specifically caused a lot of excitement between fans.

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