𝟬𝟮𝟬 reunions during rehearsal

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reunions during rehearsal.

reunions during rehearsal

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Voyage Tour BusSomewhere in Virginia.

Voyage Tour Bus—Somewhere in Virginia

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The soft hum of the tour bus gliding smoothly along the highway was the first thing Samira registered as she stirred awake. Blinking her eyes open, she slowly acclimated to the dim morning light filtering through the curtains of her private room. It was a quiet, tranquil moment, the kind that made her heart swell with contentment.

She turned her head slightly to the side, her gaze falling on the sight that made her breath catch: Chris, still fast asleep beside her, his bare, tattooed chest rising and falling with each slow, steady breath. Resting on top of him, nestled comfortably underneath Chris's tattooed arm, was Sadiah.

Samira's heart warmed at the sight. There was something so precious, so undeniably pure, about the way Sadiah's tiny body was draped over Chris, his little hand resting near the tattoos that spanned his chest. The peaceful expression on Chris's face, the gentle way he held her son even in sleep, made her want to freeze the moment in time.

Without thinking, she reached for her phone on the bedside table and quietly snapped a few pictures. These were the moments she cherished most, the candid snapshots of their lives that spoke more than words ever could.

The subtle aroma of breakfast crept into the room, making her stomach flutter with hunger. The scent of bacon, eggs, and fresh toast mingled with the light laughter and chatter that drifted in from the main area of the bus. Her dancers, no doubt, were already up and making breakfast for everyone on board. Samira smiled to herself, warmth filling her at the thought of her extended family coming together in this way.

Careful not to disturb the two boys sleeping beside her, Samira slowly and gingerly began to slip out of bed. She moved with deliberate slowness, sliding out from under the covers and placing her feet on the cool floor. For a moment, she stood at the edge of the bed, looking back at them. They were still deep in sleep, completely oblivious to the world outside their little cocoon.

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