53- To Supply an Army

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Xaden was quick to get me out of that room and walking in these halls briskly leading me to Malek knows where. I could tell that he was pissed, and that his mind once more was thinking of probably a million things.

I only had one thing on mind. Navarre.

" Your really willing to raid them? Especially in the weakened state and frenzy their probably in right now?"

Xaden simply pulls me a little closer to him as we walk " Yea. Now is the perfect time. We get what we want and we leave. Minimal casualties."

" But there will still be casualties to a weakened nation. That sounds like almost like a weak plan-"

He stops sending me a look, " I don't do weak. I do what is necessary. Don't tell me your already backing out of this."

" I'm not. I'm just saying there's still good people there."

He begins walking once more though lets go of my hand, " Good people die all the time, you can't keep making sacrifices to save them."

" Your one to talk... You just sacrificed everything to save me."

" That's different." He corrects. " Your everything. I'd rather have everyone utterly pissed at me then them finding out we're all dead and this whole thing went to shit. I knew the rules, the chances and the risks. Without you I'd have nothing, we just need to adapt shit...starting with what we're going to feed these dragons and cadets."

" Are we seriously out of food already?"

" No. But I'd rather find a source before we get to the reserves. Now walk faster Fury."

Finally we get outside of the fortress...house...castle... whatever you want to call it walking down the quiet street to the outskirts where I see a smaller black dragon watching some of the younger ones up in the air play fighting.

She chuffs, her neck arching as she looks behind herself looking at us. A small smile spreads to my face looking at Andarna tucking her wings as she slowly swings her body. " Freya."

" HI. Why aren't you playing with the others?"

I see her look at Xaden then myself, " I'd rather watch. What are you doing? Are you feeling better?"

" Still healing.... And... I'm not sure why he's dragging me out here for.."

Xaden's eyes shift, " We're figuring out food plans." He rings in my head, obviously easedropping on our conversation... though I don't know if he can help it or not. I don't hear all his conversations with Segyl, maybe they don't talk much... or maybe he just blocks me out.

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