45- The Archives

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Exactly at 11:59 each night the archives close, for preventative measures and/ or incase of emergency, all air supply is cut off in order to save our written scrolls from destruction of fire and man.

" No way in hell!" Xaden snaps, his face red as he stares wild eyed at me. " Who the hell else knows about this Fury I told you to keep your damn mouths shut!"

" We've been over this Riorson... They were slowly figuring it out..." Hetta sighs pinching the bridge of her nose.

" And I told you dumb asses the less people know the better.... No way in hell Ridoc and Sawyer are joining us on this! They have the brains of a damn bog frog."

" Seriously..." I drone. " They do not.... Stop being an ass we need all the help we can get."

" No...We don't. We can't have a whole dam parade going in the archives. Just the ones in this room. That's final." Xaden commands. The face he's giving me is telling I shouldn't even roll my eyes seeing he's just finding out about the others knowing.

" Bohdi will keep watch. Hetta will pull out the journals, Imogen can mind wipe and Fury your where I am. We might need some of your skills depending what we're up against... and we only need him to get us in." He continues. I see Aaric give him a look that Xaden merely smirks at.

" Stop trying to start something." I scold in my head now sending him a look.

His eyes dart to me as he rolls them again shifting his stance " I'm not even going to begn with you Fury. We're going to have a conversation once we get these damn things."

" I'll make sure my hair is down." I quip.

Xaden's gaze narrows as a primal look flashes before he looks away. " We get in and we get out. Try not to kill anyone. I don't want to deal with a dead body...that has rider written all of it. Are we understood?"

We all nod as Xaden scans around. " Good. We have two hours."

Everyone should be at the party yet, or residing in their rooms from being to drunk so the archives should be pretty bare. I've only been in the archives a handful of times with my dad when I was young..never liked how silent and boring it always seemed to be.

Xaden leads, then me, Hetta, imogen, Aaric and Bohdi. All staying in Xaden's shadows as we get to the door, the shadows somehow picking the lock without alerting any system. " Bohdi stand guard." He instructs.

Bohdi gives a nod with a small smirk, " Same signal? Like old times?"

Xaden grins, " Ofcourse."

With that we walk in deeper, he seems to know exactly where we're going, and let me tell you there needs to be hundreds of aisles, all looking the same with the faded grayish tan bookshelves and old tomes.

" Shadows mapped it out the nights I stayed here." He whispers back grabbing my hand to pull me up closer my him. Of course they did. And of course... he had this plan for months and I'm just now finding out about it....

At this point there's no surprise with all the secrets he keeps. I haven't just accepted it, but I know I'm alot happier not fighting with him every single time I find one out. If that was the case I'd never be happy, hell we might end up hating eachother.

We get to a small room, Xaden opening first, his shadows scouting before he lets us even step in the room. " Stay close." He whispers sending goosebumps across my skin as I take a small sharp breath nodding.

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