skill gap (124)

45 2 0

As soon as kick-off was announced Lavinho went straight to marking Noel Noah who currently had the ball.

"Bring it on Cyborg, you can't take away my freedom" Lavinho said with a grin on his face.
"Freedom...surely you meant waste of space," Noel Noah said as he and Lavinho entered a clash.

Unlike Lavinho, Noel Noah was more robotic like in his thinking and this clash would just waste some time.

Noel Noah started to use his mechanical style of play, Nakada in the background just watched it, he wanted to absorb as much info as possible to make a counter for it in his mind.

What Nakada observed was the fact that Noel Noah's style of play was the epitome of efficiency and precision.

His body seem to move with a mechanical grace, never thought this would be thing mechanical grace just thinking about make him feel a bit weirded out, each step seem to calculated and deliberate.

His dribbling was a well-oiled machine, designed for maximum control and minimal flair creativity whatsoever his style of play was dryer than the Sahara desert.

As he advanced down the field, his movements were almost robotic in nature. No...not almost they seemed robotic in nature no matter how you look at it.

He didn't waste energy on unnecessary tricks or flashy maneuvers.

Instead, he mainly did the most efficient move needed for each situation.....watching was great at first before it started to become a bit boring.

As Noel Noah and Lavinho clashed in the middle of the field Lavinho couldn't stop himself from commenting on Noel's robotic play.

"You truly are a cyborg, you make this game look like an assembly line," he remarked.

Noel Noah responded in his usually dry demeanor "It gets the job done"
Nakada eyes watched their duel as it seem to be absorbing everything that he saw.

This was perfect for him and with a smile on his face, the last thing he needed finally fell into his spot.

He now has analyzed Noel Noah plays and found nearly Zero way to actually beat him in a one vs one and that fact alone made him excited.

Something that will make normal person scared at the possibility of having zero chance to win made him incredibly excited.

Most of the players stay at a confatble distance away from them as this play was out of their world.
They couldn't keep up at this level except for one teenager who rushes in at full speed.

"Why do you want to ruin my fun"Lavinho said upon noticing Nakada rushing toward them, Noel Noah on the other hands using this small distraction to rush past Lavinho.

It was not that he couldn't handle being guarded by those two it was the fact that his play relied on being efficient and choosing the best choice and having those two on him would be a waste of time.

The better option was to get past Lavinho and create an opportunity to score a goal.
"Why you running cyborg..scared" Lavinho said as he rushed after Noel Noah who did not replied and instead passed the ball to Ness.

Ness then passed to Kaiser who was being marked by a few players, Noel Noah then went from juggling to his full speed in a instant.

His off-the-ball movement was just insane, no one could truly keep up with him in this state.
Kaiser had no real choice and passed to Noel Noah.

The world best trapped the ball mechanically but just as he was about to release the ball, Nakada appeared seemingly out of nowhere, standing in the path of Noel's shot.

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