Chapter 31: Horus-Khre and Bastet.

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Tanya signaled for Esther and Maia to halt, her hand pressed against the cold stone wall. They had evaded the guards, but the castle's corridors still echoed with the sounds of pursuit.

"Safe for now," Tanya whispered, her eyes scanning their hiding spot - a narrow alcove between two tapestries.

Esther let out a quiet breath, her hands glowing softly as she tended to the scrapes and bruises they'd sustained. Esther leaned against the wall, her eyes fixed on Maia.

Esther: How much farther to the throne room?

Maia: We're close. Azran should be there by now.

Esther's hands paused, concern etched on her face.

Maia: Do you think he's okay?

Tanya's expression remained steady.

Tanya: Azran can handle himself.

Maia's gaze drifted toward the sounds of distant guards.

Maia: We need to keep moving. We can't stay hidden forever.

As they caught their breath, the silence between them grew heavy with unspoken questions.

Meanwhile, Azran stood before the sphinx, its piercing gaze unwavering. But instead of drawing his sword, he threw his head back and roared:

Azran: It's time for a battle of monsters!

As he shouted, Azran slashed his palm with his dagger, spilling his own blood onto the stone floor. The air seemed to ripple with anticipation.

"In the name of Azran Whirlwind!" he declared, his voice echoing off the walls. "I summon you, great lion king, Mufasa!"

The room trembled. A golden light burst forth, and a majestic figure materialized before Azran. The lion king Mufasa stood tall, his mane a fiery halo, his eyes burning with ancient wisdom.

Mufasa's deep, rumbling voice spoke.

Mufasa: Azran, why have you called?

Azran's expression turned sheepish, and he scratched the back of his head.

Azran: Huh? Come on, man, I can't fight the sphinx! You're the king of beasts, right? Can you handle this for me?

Mufasa's gaze shifted to the sphinx, then back to Azran. A hint of amusement danced in his eyes.

"You summon me to fight your battles, Azran Whirlwind?" Mufasa's tone was both curious and amused.

The sphinx, unperturbed, spoke in its low, rumbling voice.

Sphinx: You seek to evade your fate, mortal?

Azran shrugged, grinning.

Azran: Hey, I'm just delegating tasks. You're the expert, Mufasa.

Mufasa's chuckle rumbled through the room, a low, earthy sound.

Mufasa: Very well, Azran. I shall face this sphinx.

Mufasa's mighty roar shook the castle foundations as he charged toward the sphinx. The air rippled with energy, the two legendary creatures clashing in a frenzy of claws and fury.

Azran leaned against the wall, arms crossed, a grin spreading across his face.

Azran: [Scoffs] Now this is entertainment.

The sphinx unleashed a swipe of its massive paw, but Mufasa dodged with regal elegance, countering with a crushing bite. The sphinx's stone-like body cracked under the pressure, but it refused to yield.

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