Chapter 43: The Celestial of Love.

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It was a new day in Asgard, and the morning was as beautiful as ever. The skies were clear, bathed in a golden hue as the sun rose above the grand halls. In the grand dining room, Odin and Frigg, the king and queen of Asgard, sat at the table, enjoying breakfast. Alongside them were Eiravyn, Iris, the Celestial of the Sun, Abigael, Jaes, Baldr, and Vidar, all sharing the peaceful start to the day.

However, not everyone was settled. Azael was relentlessly nagging Thor, the God of Thunder, to spar with him once more, refusing to let go of his defeat. Thor, focused on eating his breakfast, continued to shake his head, each time more adamant. "No," Thor replied, not even looking up from his plate. But Azael persisted, his youthful energy unwavering.

Eiravyn, sitting nearby, rolled her eyes as she tried to calm Azael down. "Azael, let the man eat in peace," she muttered, though her patience was clearly wearing thin. Azael barely listened, too determined to get Thor to agree.

Meanwhile, Jaes sat across the table, barely touching his food. His attention was entirely on Abigael. He couldn't help but admire how flawless she was—her beauty radiated warmth, her every move graceful. She was amazing, and he could feel his heart beating faster as he watched her. He had to admit to himself, he might just be in love.

Abigael, noticing his gaze, looked up at him, her soft eyes meeting his. Startled, Jaes quickly looked away, his face flushing bright red. Abigael smiled knowingly, the faintest hint of amusement in her expression.

As the scene continued to unfold, Azael's nagging still filled the room. "Come on, Thor, just one more fight!" Azael pleaded, his voice carrying a tone of youthful insistence.

Thor sighed heavily, lifting his fork. "For the last time, no." But everyone at the table knew this was far from over.

Though Azael's persistence knew no bounds, it had become somewhat of an ongoing spectacle. During Thor's bath that morning, Azael barged into the chamber, intending to land a surprise punch on the God of Thunder. Thor, of course, dodged it effortlessly, and with a splash, Azael ended up face-first in Thor's bathwater, sputtering in defeat.

Later, when Thor was strolling through town with his beautiful fiancée, Abigael, enjoying the afternoon, Azael came at him again, trying to attack. Thor, without even breaking stride, easily evaded him, leaving Azael once again in the dust.

By the time afternoon arrived, Azael attempted to challenge Thor at the lunch table, interrupting a meal between Thor and his brothers, Baldr and Vidar. Thor barely had to move this time; he simply sidestepped Azael's rushed attack, and Azael stumbled into Baldr, who chuckled at his failed attempt.

Even during a serious conference meeting with Odin, Frigg, and the high councils, Azael tried again. He was met with Thor's same calm dodging, and a few raised eyebrows from the high councils. Thor, however, seemed almost amused by Azael's determination.

The last attempt came when Thor was walking through the grand hallways of Asgard. Azael, completely worn out but still driven, came charging down the hallway with all his might. Thor turned around just in time to avoid the attack, causing Azael to crash into a pillar instead.

Later that evening, Azael found himself slumped at the dining room table, completely exhausted from his repeated failed challenges. His head resting on the table, he could barely move as he tried to catch his breath.

Jaes, minding his own business and calmly eating his meal, glanced over at the worn-out Azael. Without even looking up from his food, he simply said, "You're so uncool, man."

That same evening, Thor entered his room, visibly exhausted after Azael's relentless antics. Abigael, dressed in a seductive robe, sat on the edge of the bed, chuckling softly at her fiancé's exasperation. Thor let out a long sigh, shaking his head.

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