Chapter 5: The Tower That Holds A Worthy Opponent.

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Azael, Red, and Meliodas are on a mission to end the demon lords. They encounter an Amazon warrior girl named Clea Brynhild, she is a skilled spear user, and she challenged Azael twice in a heated battle. Both fights didn't end in true conclusion, but now Azael added her to her team for his own benefits, and his team have finally found the demon lord of envy, the lord of the flies, Beelzebub.

*The hill overlooking Valdyn was shrouded in an eerie, unsettling silence*

Azael, Meliodas, Red, and Clea stood at its crest, gazing out upon the foreboding city. The air was heavy with malevolent energy, like a palpable shroud cast by the demon lord Beelzebub himself. Red's eyes narrowed, his senses on high alert. He could feel it - a dark, pulsating power that resonated deep within his chest.

Suddenly, his vision began to blur and distort, like ripples on a stagnant pond. He saw himself standing in a grand, high-ceilinged chamber, surrounded by towering stone statues.

His hands were clasped behind his back, and his eyes gleamed with a fierce determination. A figure approached him - a woman with piercing green eyes and raven-black hair, her presence both captivating and intimidating.

"You were meant for greatness," she whispered, her voice like a gentle breeze on a summer's day. "But fate has other plans." Red's vision shattered, leaving him gasping for breath. His companions turned to him, concern etched on their faces.

Azael: Red, what's wrong?

Red's eyes locked onto the city below, his mind reeling with the fragmented memory. He saw glimpses of his past, but his true name, Jaes, remained hidden, locked deep within his subconscious.

Red: I... I saw something. [Stammer] A... vision, I think. But it's still unclear."

Clea: [Her eyes sparkled with curiosity] What did you see?

Red hesitated, unsure how to articulate the fleeting vision. But as he looked out upon Valdyn, he didn't know what it was, but what he saw wasn't just an ordinary vision. It was a glimpse of his past. Azael's fist cracked against his palm, the sharp sound snapping the team's attention to him.

Azael: Alright, the plan is simple, infiltrate, find the demon lord's chambers, and I kill him.

Meliodas: Why do you get to kill him?

Azael: First of all, this is my mission, your mission is to kill the angels, we're just doing this cause after defeating the demon lords, I wanna go after the 7 Archangels.

Clea: You're not seriously going after both the demon lords and the Archangels.

Azael: [Looks down with no show of emotion as he squeezes his fists] I'm dead serious. [He says in a serious tone]

Azael approached Red.

Azael: Hey, Red, how about you stay, I don't want you to die before you get your memories back.

Red: Sure.

Azael: And I promise, I'll be back. [Gives a grin]

Red: Okay. [Smiles back]

With a shared grin, they did a fist pump. With a deep breath, the team set their plan in motion. They navigated through the shadows, avoiding the 5-eyed demons' hellfire-lit patrols. Their goal was to reach the tower undetected, but fate had other plans. As they turned a corner, Clea's face was accidentally exposed, and a group of 5-eyed demons spotted her. With a fierce battle cry, Clea charged forward, her spear flashing in the dim light.

Azael: Clea, don't! Ugh, damn it! Meliodas!?

Meliodas: Let's go!

Azael and Meliodas followed close behind, their weapons at the ready. The 5-eyed demons unleashed waves of hellfire, but the trio dodged and weaved, avoiding the flames with practiced ease. In the heat of battle, Azael shouted, "Cover me! I'll make a break for the tower!" Meliodas and Clea nodded, forming a protective barrier around Azael as he sprinted towards the tower. Meliodas and Clea unleashed a barrage of attacks, keeping the 5-eyed demons at bay. Azael reached the tower's entrance, but his path was blocked by a towering green-eyed demon. The demon's eyes gleamed with malevolent power, and its presence seemed to command the very elements themselves. "Ah, a formiddable opponent," Azael said, his green-flamed sword at the ready. The green-eyed demon sneered, summoning a whirlwind of razor-sharp debris. Azael leaped forward, his sword flashing in the dim light as he clashed with the demon's elemental fury. The battle had only just begun, and the outcome hung precariously in the balance.

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