Chapter 15: The Egoist Is Born.

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In Azael's inner subconscious, a voice emerged, a dark voice. "First you die, and now you are defeated. What kind of an egoist are you?"

Azael: *In his subconscious* Egoist? [Groggily]

Dark Voice: Show your truest self, Azael, show the egotistic version of yourself, a self that surpasses even the strongest. Unleash the power that is suppressed along with your ego, unleash that monster, that confidence, no... that hunger for power, the hunger to be the strongest, let yourself be consumed, and show Beelzebub that he is nothing but a mere insect that needs to be crushed.

Azael: [Scoffs groggily] So uncool.

Beelzebub is about to land the killing blow, but the ground starts shaking as he senses the dark magic resiting in Azael.

Beelzebub: Wha-what is this? [Trembling in fear as he backs away] This kind of magic... it's nothing like I've...

Azael rises with a dark stare. He looks at Beelzebub, a dark, black aura flowing out of his body, and his eyes are filled with not but a dark violet color.

Azael: Are you afraid? [He says with a dark malevolent voice as scoffs] Come on, I didn't even get to say die, yet.

Beelzebub: [In fear] Impossible.

Red: Azael.

Azael: [Grins]

Azael's eyes burned with an otherworldly intensity as he rose from his knees, his dark aura swirling around him like a vortex. Beelzebub stumbled backward, his fear palpable as he realized he had underestimated the young warrior.

The air was electric with tension as Azael's transformation took hold, his body crackling with dark energy. The shadows around him seemed to coalesce into a living entity, as if the very darkness itself was responding to his power.

"What have you done?" Beelzebub whispered, his voice trembling with fear.

Azael's grin grew wider, his eyes flashing with malevolent intent.

Azael: I've unleashed my true self.

He said, his voice dripping with malice.

Azael: And now, you'll face the full fury of my ego.

The darkness closed in, as if eager to consume Beelzebub whole. The demon lord raised his hands, but his powers seemed feeble against the onslaught of Azael's newfound abilities.

The battle was far from over. In fact, it was only just beginning, and the egoist is now born, born in true darkness.

Azael's eyes blazed with dark energy as he raised his hand, his voice whispering a short, arcane spell:

Azael: From the shadows, craft a blade of annihilation, let it be the instrument of demon lords' demise. Dark Forge! Reaper!

As he spoke, the darkness around him seemed to coalesce into a swirling vortex of shadowy energy. The air rippled with anticipation, and a faint hum of power began to build.

Suddenly, a brilliant flash of dark light illuminated the area, and a sleek, obsidian sword materialized in Azael's outstretched hand. The blade seemed to drink in the light around it, its surface etched with intricate, glowing runes that pulsed with malevolent energy.

Beelzebub's eyes widened in horror as he beheld the sword, his mind reeling with the implications. "Reaper... the Demon Lord Slayer," he whispered, his voice trembling with fear.

Azael's grin grew wider as he felt the sword's power coursing through him. "With this blade, I'll bring ruin to your kind," he declared, his voice dripping with malice.

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