Chapter 2: Let's Go On A Mission Together.

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Azael Whirlwind, the son of the fallen king, Azazel Whirlwind, has sent his son on a mission to kill the 7 demon lords. Azael found himself in Valtexa, where one of the 7 demon lords was said to be. He faced off against a 5 eyed demon and 4 eyed demons. He slayed them swiftly and quickly. As he was celebrating his victory, he saw a kid being attacked by a dinosaur like creature, and saved him, then recruited him for a mission to kill the 7 demon lords, and now, the journey of Azael and Red, begins.

*In the city Valra of Valtexa*

Azael and Red are walking through the streets of Valra with cloaks hiding their identities. They got in a bar filled with old creepy folks, and some look strong for only mortal beings. They all stared at both Azael and Red as they saw that they were nothing but kids. They approached the bar, and the barkeep looked down on them.

Barkeep: Underage kids aren't allowed in my bar.

Azael: We're not here to drink. We're on a quest, and we are in need of assistance.

Barkeep: A quest? To what? The great tressure. [Says Mockingly]

And the whole bar laughs except for the mysterious drinker.

Azael: [Scoffs] You know, you shouldn't be making fun of the son of Whirlwind.

Barkeep: Oh? Hey everybody, it's the son of Whirlwind.

They continue laughing.

Azael: *To myself* Why do I even bother?

He removed his cloak.

Azael: Now, you wanna help us, or do you want to be dead.

A big, strong man approached Azael and Red. "Hey kid, you are disturbing our drinking." Azael turned to him.

Azael: For a big guy, you sure talk too much.

"You're a dead brat." The big guy says.

Azael: [Scoffs] Red... run!

Red ran away as he went under him, and Azael gave him a perfect right hook. The guy went straight out of the bar, and with that, Azael started a bar fight, but all attacks were on him. He dodged their attacks as he took them all down on his own. The mysterious drinker walked out without notice. Red is still running as the other bar tendees chased after him. Somebody pulled him from the alleyway, and it turned out to be the mysterious drinker.

Red: [Panting] Wh-who are you?

???: The real question is. That kid, who is he?

"Why does it matter!?" Azael says as he's standing on the building by the alleyway. Red and the mysterious drinker turned to him.

Azael: Who are you?

Azael git down and approached them.

???: That's not the issue right now.

Azael: Is that so, huh? [Scoffs then looks at Red] Let's get out of here, Red. We won't find anything on the demon lord.

???: The demon lord, you're looking for the most feared demon?

Azael: It's not your business to know.

???: Is that so? What if I were to tell you I'm also looking for this demon lord.

Azael: Really? [Puts on a bored expression]

???: And if you promise to cooperate, I will lead you to someone I know.

Azael: All right, say I agree. What's in it for you?

???: I didn't ask why you're after the demon lord. Why should I tell you my reason?

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