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(The episode begins with Y/n, Mordecai and Rigby playing football with a bunch of bundle up socks in the living room.)

Y/n: (Pretending to be announcer) Alright 7 seconds left on the clock will he make it?!

Rigby: (Laughing) Dude! I'm open, I'm open, dude!

Mordecai: (Snickers) Go long, dude!

(Throws a ball of socks at Rigby, sending him backwards off the couch.)

Rigby: Touchdown, sock faces!

(He throws down the socks and starts imitating cheering. However, Benson is seen entering.)

Benson: Hey, you three! Quit fooling around; we're having an emergency meeting.

Mordecai: Aw, what?

Rigby: Boo!

Y/n: What's the matter Benson?

Benson: I'll tell you with the others. (Turns to Mordecai and Rigby and signals to the door) Outside, now!

(He leaves as Y/n, Mordecai and Rigby watch. Clock transition to Skips' house with all the park workers standing outside.)

Benson: Alright, everyone. I got some bad news. The park is being audited. (points to Pops) Pops tried to pay the park's taxes... (gives Pops a look) ...with lollipops.

(The workers voice their displeasure.)

Pops: But I gave them more than enough.

Benson: We already went over this, Pops. You pay taxes with money, not lollipops.

Y/n: Pops I'm glad you tried to help, but lollipops aren't used to buy things.

Pops: (Sad) Oh.

Rigby: (Blows his lips) What's the big deal? It's not like an audit is a bad thing.

Y/n: It is a bad thing, Rigby! If we don't take care of this, the government takes our stuff away.

(The rest of the workers chatter in panic.)

Benson: Exactly and not only that but we only have till 3 to stop the audit. (Slowly pan over to Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost, who are thinking up something funny.) Does anyone know someone who can help us? Anybody? Anybody at all?

Muscle Man: (Raises his hand) I know someone who can help.

Benson: (threatening) If you say your mom, you're fired.

Muscle Man: (Long pause) MY MOM!

Benson: GET OUT!

Muscle Man: It was worth it!

(Muscle Man and Hi Five Ghost hi five and run off.)

Mordecai: (Thinks) Hmmm... Hmph. Hey! (looks at Y/n and Rigby) We know someone.

Y/n: (Gasps in realization) You're a genius, he can totally help us!

Rigby: We do?

(Y/n and Mordecai raises their arms. Suddenly, Rigby knows who the two are referring to.)

Rigby: No! No way!

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