First Day

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(Episode begins with a montage of and 's first day at the park as "I'm Alright" by Kenny Loggins plays, Mordecai's alarm starts to beep at "8:15AM".)

Mordecai: (Yawns) Alright, dude, time to get up. (Rigby whines) Come on, Rigby. (Rigby whines more.) Dude, get up. We gotta get ready for work.

Rigby: (sits up) Okay, okay. (grunts)

Mordecai: (stands up) Dude, this is so cool. I never got a job that got you a place to live. I'm so glad Y/n helped us with this.

Rigby: I never even had a job.

(Rigby gets the dirty clothes off of him while Mordecai is watching him struggle getting it off.)

Mordecai: Yeah, about that. (Rigby gets up and puts the dirty clothing in one corner.) Y/n and I kinda told them you'd be a good idea to hire, so can you try not to do the whole "Rigby thing".

Rigby: "Rigby thing"? What do you mean?

Mordecai: I mean you're lazy.

Rigby: What? I'm not lazy.

Mordecai: Dude, you were too lazy to fill up the application for this job. That's why Y/n and I had to vouch for you in the first place.

Rigby: (angrily) Just because I was too lazy to do something boring like filling in a job application doesn't mean I'm lazy.

Mordecai: Okay. Okay. Look. Let's just both promise that starting right now we're not gonna do anything to screw this up. The last thing we need is embarrassing Y/n for vouching for us, okay?

Rigby: Okay. You think there's breakfast stuff in the kitchen?

(Mordecai thinks...)

Mordecai: Only one way to find out.

(Scene changes in the fridge where Mordecai opens it.)

Mordecai: ...Milk.

(Gets the milk.)

Rigby: ...Cereal.

(Gets the cereal.)

Mordecai & Rigby: ...Combine.

(Mordecai pours the milk & Rigby pours the cereal. Scene changes where they sit down in the kitchen table where Rigby was about to eat his cereal until Mordecai puts his hand in his chest.)

Mordecai: This is the only clean spoon left, dude. Let's play "Punchies" for it.

Rigby: Okay. Me first. (Rigby punches Mordecai but, gets surprised when he thought it was weak. Mordecai laughs then punches Rigby hard in his arm.) Owww. Take it.

Mordecai: (laughs then talks with his mouth full) Man, so far this job is awesome! I still can't believe we get our own rooms!

Rigby: Dude, those rooms aren't cool. There's nothing in 'em. I had to sleep on the floor last night. (hums and whistles "I'm Alright" by Kenny Loggins plays as he eats the cereal from the box.)

Mordecai: Well, yeah, Y/n already warned us about that remember? Besides we could get some stuff for it after we make some money. You know?

Rigby: I guess.

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