A Bunch of Baby Ducks

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(Episode begins with Y/n, Mordecai and Rigby walking to the fountain to clean it)

Rigby: Uggggggggggghh!

Mordecai: C'mon, Rigby, it will be over before you know it.

Rigby: Man, I hate cleaning the fountain! It's like the worst job at The Park! Why do we have to clean it anyways, isn't that what rain is for?!

Y/n: You say that about every job, is there anything you don't complain about? 

Rigby: Stop Talking!!!

Mordecai: Look dude, we just gotta power through it. Here, I'll turn off the water, you start the hose.

Rigby: What?! Why do I have to start the hose?! Y/n or you should do it.

Y/n: No, we don't.

Mordecai: Yeah, it's your turn.

Rigby: My turn, your guy's turn, what's the difference? We're a team, dudes.

Mordecai: Then man up and do it for the team.

Y/n: Seriously this is a waste of time hurry up.

Rigby: Rock, paper, scissors for who starts the hose.

Mordecai: Fine.

Y/n: Ugh, whatever.

(They play rock, paper, scissors as both Y/n and Mordecai gets scissors while Rigby gets paper.)

Rigby: Two out of three?

Y/n: No!

Mordecai: Start the hose!

Rigby: (angrily mocking Mordecai) "Start the hose."

(Mordecai turns off the fountain and Rigby puts the hose inside the fountain as he sighs, then puts his mouth on the hose and accidentally sucks in the water.)

Rigby: (spitting out the water) Blegh! It tastes like how Muscle Man smells!

Y/n: Ha!

Rigby: Shut up dude!

Mordecai: Dude chill out, at least there's a bunch of these free stuff.

Rigby: All right, what's it gonna be this time?

(They find the baby ducks in the fountain among with some trash)

Rigby: A bunch of baby ducks?

Y/n: Now that is adorable.

Mordecai: We must have stranded them when we drained the water.

(Mordecai tries to catch them but they run away)

Mordecai: C'mon, dudes, help me get them out! We can't clean the fountain with them still in it!

(Y/n, Mordecai and Rigby try to catch them but they can't keep up with the ducks as they start chirping)

Mordecai: Get the bucket.

(Y/n and Mordecai chases the ducks into a bucket, they then take ducks out of the bucket and out of the fountain) 

Mordecai: I wonder what they were doing in there all alone.

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