Temp Check

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(Episode starts with Y/n, Mordecai and Rigby mowing the Ultimate Frisbee Field)

Y/n, Mordecai & Rigby: Bam! OOOOOOOOHHH!!!

Rigby: Yeah! Finally done!

Y/n: Nice job guys!

Mordecai: Dudes. Celebration hug?

Rigby: Yeah, man.

Y/n: Absolutely.

(They approach each other, as if to hug, then they suddenly pull back at the same time)

Y/n, Mordecai & Rigby: Aw, sick!

(Y/n, Mordecai and Rigby laugh)

Rigby: Dude, you almost hugged me!

Mordecai: No way! Y/n almost hugged me!

Y/n: Ha, like I would hug you losers!

Rigby: We mowed that lawn in its face!

Mordecai: Yeah, dudes. Let's go on break.

Rigby: Now you're talking.

Y/n: Sounds like a good idea.

(They start to walk off the field, but Benson pulls up in the cart.)

Benson: Hold it!

(Benson takes out a ruler and measures the grass)

Benson: Nope. It's no good.

Mordecai & Rigby: AWW, WHAT?

Benson: It's an inch too tall. Do it again! DO IT ALL AGAIN!!!!!!

(Mordecai and Rigby groan)

Rigby: It's just one inch!

Benson: Would you want to play Ultimate Frisbee in this? A guy could trip, skid, get severe turf rash, and BAM! Lawsuit. Now get to work.

Y/n: (in head) Ok even I got to admit Benson is taking this way too seriously. Also was he just waiting there the entire time?

Rigby: But... but... but...

Benson: Oh wait. Is that the sound of somebody who wants to be fired? (Rigby lowers his arms) That's what I thought.

(Benson gets in the cart and drives off as Y/n and Mordecai picks their mower back up.)

Rigby: I can't re-mow the lawn! I'm a busy guy!

Mordecai: No, you're not.

Y/n: Busy doing what? You're the laziest guy on the planet. You've got nothing better to do right now.

Rigby: Yeah-huh! I got a meatball sub I gotta eat! My life sucks.

Y/n: (Sarcastically) Gasp, oh my gosh eating lunch! Missing the most important meal of the day, your life really is hard. I'm sooo sowwy.

 I'm sooo sowwy

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