Chapter 23

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"Joined custody of your two daughters Willa Jonas and Delphine Jonas, the Los Angeles estate signed over to Ann Jonas and the New York apartment signed over to Joe Jonas." Joe's lawyer said as he rummaged through millions of papers. "Please, read it, see if we missed anything."

Ann's lawyer looked at her copy of the file and read word by word of it. She trusted her completely with it, knowing that she was one of the best in state.

Ann looked at Joe, who looked... very hangover. He tried to look presentable, but his shirt was missing a button and his hair was a mess of curls. They were in such a rush in the morning that Ann didn't even have time to fix it for him.

He looked up at her, feeling her eyes on him. Ann gave him a reassuring smile, but didn't get one back. He looked down and started playing with his wedding ring.

"Is week-on, week-off custody good with you?" The lawyer asked Ann.

"I think two weeks each would be better. They're still so young, we have to remember that that would mean flying across the country every week." She looked at Joe again. "What do you think?"

He remained silent, still fidgeting with his ring.

"Joe." Ann said, bringing him back to reality.

"Yeah, sure." He sighed, sitting back in his chair. "Whatever you guys think is best."

"Oh, Mrs. Jonas one last thing, because I don't see it specified here." Joe's lawyer said, rummaging through the papers. "Are you going back to your maiden name?"

Ann looked at Joe, who locked eyes with her, vividly curious what she'll say. She hesitated for a bit, before smiling.

"I would like to keep my married name. If you don't mind." She referred to Joe.

He finally smiled a little. "Of course."

"Okay, I think we're good then." Ann's lawyer said with a smile. "All that's left now is for you guys to sign it."

They immediately looked at each other, the rest of the room becoming blurry and silent.

This is it. One signature and it's done. All those years, everything that they've built together. Suddenly Ann saw it all. Their first encounter, the chocolate cupcake, the rehearsals, the sneaking around, the tour, the break up, telling him about the pregnancy, him making her a bath, the first ultrasound...

The birth of Willa. The most beautiful day of her life. Becoming a mother, something she always dreamed of. Seeing Joe being the best dad she could have ever asked for. Willa was everything he ever dreamed of.

Then their magical wedding happened. It was a day filled with love, happiness and a lot of tears. She felt over the moon, but something was missing.

Until Delphine came around and filled the missing part in their life. They were the happiest. One big family. Until...

It all went sideways.

She looked down at the paper, seeing her hand shaking and the paper becoming soggy from her sweaty palm. She closed her eyes trying to calm herself down. She took a deep breath and slowly put her signature in the little box at the bottom.

She passed the papers to Joe, who took a quick last look at Ann, before putting his signature next to hers.

"Great, we're done here." Joe's lawyer said as he took the papers. "We'll pass this on to the court, but because we've reached an agreement there won't be any hearing needed. I think the divorce should be finalized within a month."

"Thank you." Ann's lawyer smiled, shaking hands with Joe and his lawyer. She put a hand on Ann's shoulder and rubbed it. "Great job."

Both of their lawyers walked out of the room, still discussing some details about paperwork. Suddenly it became really quiet, only the ticking of the clock breaking it. They both still sat in their chairs, looking down at their hands, scared to say a word.

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