Chapter 13

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"Dammit, Joe..." Ann sighed, hiding her face in her hands.

"I know." Joe looked down at the floor. "But can we at least talk about it?"

"We can, but I don't see how this would work."

"We could move to New York."

"And leave everything we built here? This house, friends, Nick... Willa is starting kindergarten in a few months and you know I got that job offer."

"I'm sure we can find a kindergarten and a job for you in New York as well." He said taking her hand.

"I don't know, Joe. I need some time to think." She sighed, standing up. "Besides, you know how much I hate New York. All that noise and rush. I feel sick even thinking about it."

"Okay, what about moving back to New Jersey? It's not that far away. I'm sure your mom would be happy too."

"Let's leave it for now, okay?"

"Hey." He said grabbing her hand and pulling, making her sit on his lap. "I can reject the proposition."

"No." Ann shook her head. "I don't want you to do that. This is big. You would be stupid to do so."

"Ann, if it means you won't be happy, I can do that."

"We'll figure something out." Ann smiled caressing his cheek. "We always do."

"Hey guys!" They heard Nick's voice downstairs.

Joe grabbed Delphine in his hands and they walked downstairs. Nick picked up Willa and spun her around as Pri held Malti by the hand. She was finally walking by herself and even starting to say a few words.

"Hey!" Pri grinned, giving Ann a big hug and then taking in Delphine's small hand. "Oh, she's such an angel!"

"Only when she's asleep." Ann chuckled.

"We brought stuff for a barbecue." Nick said, showing off a basket full of chicken, burgers and vegetables.

"You're the best." Ann smiled. "We'll take the vegetables and cut it up, while you start on the meat, okay?"

"Sure." Joe nodded. "Can you take her?" He asked passing her Delphine.

Ann placed her daughter in a crib downstairs where she could see her and walked to the kitchen area with Pri, Sophie and Willa, while Malti went outside with Nick and Joe.

"Mommy, I wanna help!" Willa said jumping up and down as she pulled on Ann's jeans.

"Here, baby." She helped her climb on a chair next to the kitchen island and gave her a cucumber to cut.

"Hello!" Mark said as he entered the house.

"Hey, friend." Ann smiled as she hugged him.

"The boys are outside." Pri said.

"Are you telling me to leave?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I mean, you can stay if you want to." She laughed.

"You know I love the girl talk." He said taking a slice of tomato out of Ann's cutting board.

"Hey!" Ann frowned, smacking his hand.

"So, what's up, Ann?" Pri asked as she started on the salad. "You seem distant."

"Don't even ask..." Ann sighed.

"What's going on?" She frowned.

"I don't know if I can talk about it yet. It's... big. But I'll leave it for Joe to tell you."

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