Chapter Three

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~Jade Simms~

I awoke to the sound of my phone vibrating on my bedside table. I groaned and picked up my phone, taking the call and groggily mumbling, "What?"
"Well that's a sexy morning voice. And hello to you too, Jade!" Ashley cheered through the phone.
I rolled my eyes and repeated myself, "What?"
"I was just making sure you were awake, considering you're supposed to be at the café in like five minutes."
"SHIT! I overslept! I'm so sorry, Ashley!"
"Jade Aslenna Simms! Watch your mouth!" my mother shouted from downstairs.
I could hear the smirk in Ash's voice as he said, "Yeah, Jade, language."
I sighed and said, "Pardon my French. I'll be there soon. I just can't promise I'll smell too great."
Ashley's laughter echoed in my ears as he said, "Perfume, and deodorant. Okay?"
I smiled, "Okay."
"Perhaps, okay can be-"
I cut Ashley off, "Please do not ever say that."
Ashley laughed a little before saying, "Go get ready, Jade. I'll see you in a few."
I hung up and hopped out of bed, practically running across the hall to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I left my hair down and put on a little mascara before walking out my front door.
I reached the café in about three minutes. Ashley was sitting at a small table with a pumpkin spice latte sitting in front of him. He smiled at my appearance as I sat across from him, taking the latte in my hands. I brought the rim of the mug to my lips, taking small sips from the cup, as it was still steaming.
"How long were you waiting?" I asked.
"Eh," he checked the time on his phone, "about three minutes."
"Not as bad as I thought it would be," I mumbled.
"You were still late," Ashley pointed out matter-of-factly.
I smiled and quoted The Princess Diaries, "A queen is never late, everyone else is just simply early."
Ash rolled his eyes and said, "We leave at twelve."
I nodded, taking a sip of the latte as a waitress approached, "Can I get you two anything?"
"Want anything, princess?" Ashley asked me.
"Uhh, yeah, can I have a blueberry waffle with extra whip?" I asked, politely.
"Yes ma'am. Anything for you sir?" she asked Ashley. Ash shook his head and sighed as she walked away.
"What's wrong?" I asked, curiously.
"Andy's been acting weird," he said. "It's strange."
I swallowed the all too familiar lump that forms in my throat at any mention of Andy.
My voice cracked as I spoke, "Weird? H-how?"
"I dunno. He just, I guess," Ashley answered, uncertainly.
"Oh," I said, as my waffle was placed in front of me, along with a small bottle of syrup.
Ashley smiled at the waitress, "Can I get another latte?"
She nodded and took the mug from the table.
I began to eat my waffle as Ashley continued, "He gets all jittery and shaky when you or Juliet is mentioned."
"I, um- I wonder why," I said, poking the whipped cream and licking it off my finger.
Ashley smiled at my childishness and a big, white mug that read Mona's Café was carefully placed on the red table in front of him.
"Do you think him and Jules got into an argument?" Ashley asked me, questioning any suspicions I may have. I have no suspicions, really. How should I know what happens at Juliet and Andy's house?
I shrugged and stabbed a piece of waffle with my fork and held it in mid-air in front of Ashley's mouth. He bit the waffle and I retrieved my fork, poking another piece. I ate a bite and Ashley swallowed his own.
"I just don't know what's wrong with him," Ashley sighed.
"Yeah," I said in agreement, not knowing what else to say.
As I began to say something else, Ash's phone rang.
"Hello?" he asked.
"Yeah...yup...with Jade...yeah...I'll be back by eleven...calm yo tits Andy...sorry...yeah...okay...yeah, bye," Ashley continued his conversation as I scooped the last few bites of food from my plate into my mouth.
Ashley hung up and with my mouth full and my voice muffled by the waffle in my mouth, I asked, "Who was that?"
He laughed and said, "Andy."
I swallowed my food and pushed my plate to the side.
"He wanted to know where the hell I was and when the fuck I'd be back," Ashley told me.
"He said that?" I questioned as a smile crept on to my face. Andy always amused me. No, no, no, no, Jade. Andy amuses Juliet. Andy is not supposed to amuse you. You are not allowed to think like this. Stop it. It's wrong. So wrong. Very wrong. So very wrong.
"Yeah," Ashley laughed. "He's been like that lately. I told you he's been acting weird."
I nodded and took a few sips from the latte. Ashley finished it and smiled at me, "Jade, it's ten forty-five. and I told Andy I'd be back by eleven."
I nodded and stood up. I pursed my lips as Ashley took a deep breath. I had known Ashley for two days, but it felt like it was so much longer. Cliché, I know. It felt like he'd been my best friend since diapers.
"I'm sorry I have to leave so soon," he said.
Mandy, a friend of mine, and also a waitress here handed me a warm to-go cup. I smiled at her warmly and handed her money. I had texted her to make me a to-go pumpkin spice latte.
"I know, but it's okay. I mean, it's your job. How you make a living," I replied, a hint of sadness in my voice. I had tried to make it go away, but I didn't succeed, obviously.
I sat the latte on the table and wrapped my arms around Ashley's neck, holding on to him as if someone would take him away from me if I let go. He hugged me back, just as tight, maybe a little tighter. I smiled and managed to choke out, "Can't...breathe..."
Ashley loosened his grip, but didn't fully let go. I sighed and Ashley's phone buzzed from the table.
He sighed, "That's probably Andy, telling me to hurry my ass up."
I nodded and let go.
He picked up his phone and announced, "My prediction was correct."
I giggled and handed him the latte, "Last one you'll get this good in a while."
He smiled widely and kissed my cheek before walking out the café door, "Bye princess! See you in six months!"

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