Chapter 35

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~Jade Simms~

"You know, Jade, you're being really fucking insensitive right now! Losing your boyfriend of three years to your little sister is kind of hard! I wanted you to be happy so I let go of the one thing that I loved most in the world! I'm still trying to get over this!" Juliet hissed at me.
I crossed my arms over my chest, "You said you were fine!"
"I lied! What was I supposed to say?! Oh yeah, because you stole my boyfriend, I feel like dying inside and I hate you? Is that what you wanted me to say? I'm trying to get over this and Andy drops this big bomb on me about a fucking divorce?! I didn't even know we were married! Can't you people give me a little time!?"
"Juliet, the longer we wait, the-"
"Jade, stop," Juliet said, a serious tone lacing her voice.
I rolled my eyes, "All I want is to get married and have a family. I want to be happy and you're ruining that for me. You're ruining my happiness!" I was close to yelling.
"You're really losing that line?" She rolled her eyes and chuckled a little. "I mean," by the tone of her voice I knew she was getting that sarcastic attitude, "I really wasn't happy when I was with Andy! He didn't make me happy at all! You totally didn't ruin my happiness when he left me for you!"
I sighed, "Could you stop being a sarcastic bitch for two seconds?!"
Juliet shook her head, "Get out of my damn house."
"Not until you sign the papers," I stated.
"I'm going to call the police, Jade. I'm not signing the goddamn papers. Now, go home," my sister yelled.
I sat down on the couch and propped my feet on the coffee table, holding the divorce papers out.
"Okay bitch. Fine," Juliet pulled out her phone and dialed a couple numbers.
I sighed. At this point, I really didn't give a fuck anymore. Arrest me. Andy and I had been talking to Juliet for a week now trying to get her to sign the papers. I flew out this morning, hoping that talking face to face would help. But, of course not.
Juliet walked away and I stood up.
When she came back in, I said, "Just sign the fucking papers."
Juliet snatched the papers out on my hand and hope built up in my body. But, it was gone soon when Juliet ripped the papers in half and sent both halves through the shredder.
"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled.
She just looked at me. Seconds later, I could hear police sirens. I groaned and looked out the window. "God, you're so fucking immature."
Two cops walked in seconds later. By that time I already had my hands behind my back, "Just fucking arrest me."
Juliet talked to a police as I was escorted out to a car, cuffs around my wrists. I sat in the backseat of the police car as I was brought out to the police station. This whole thing was ridiculous. I wondered how long it would take for Andy to get out here to get me. I leaned against the window.
"You don't seem like the type of girl to get arrested," the officer spoke from the front of the seat.
I shrugged. We were struck in traffic. "You'd be surprised." This wasn't the first time I'd been arrested and I doubted it'd be the last.
"I guess my mama was right then, lady. Never judge a book by it's cover," he said, taking a sip of his coke.
I just sighed and the officer talked again. "What's goin' on with you and your sister, Ms. Simms?"
"It's Jade, and a about a year ago her boyfriend kissed me after my best friend and I got into a fight. I had feelings for him but, I stayed away because he was Juliet's boyfriend. Well, turns out, he liked me too. So, we ended up being together, but behind Juliet's back and then she found out and some shit happened. Now, we're engaged, her ex boyfriend and I. Him and Juliet were drunk one day in LA when they were still together and got married and she won't sign the damn divorce papers and it's pissing me off." I let out a long breath.
The cop sighed, "Wow."
I nodded and nothing else was said until we got to the police station. The police brought me inside and they took my mug shots, asked a few questions, and then I got to make a call.
I sat at a desk in front of the same police officer that had arrested me.
"Hello?" Andy's deep voice asked.
My voice shook as I spoke, "Hey baby..."
"Jade?" he asked.
"Yeah, I-"
"Who's phone is this?"

"Um, about that. I got arrested. So, this is the police station's phone. I need you to come get me."
"Jesus Christ, babe. You had one job. What the hell did you do?"
"I wouldn't leave when Juliet told me to."
"That childish little fuck. Okay, I'll get on a plane as soon as I can. Do you know how much your bail is?"
"No, but I can let you talk to the police when we're done."
"Alright, well I'm looking for a flight now. The next one out is in half an hour. So, I guess I'll be there in like three hours."
I sighed, "Okay."
"How much longer do you have to talk? Are they treating you right? I mean, are you okay? Have you eaten today? You're feeling fine, right? I don't want-"
"Babe, I'm fine."
He sighed. "I know. I'm just worried about you now."
"Andy, I'll be okay. Just get here."
"I'm getting my stuff together as we speak."
I nodded even though he couldn't see me. The cop looked up from his paperwork, "You got one minute, Simms."
"Okay," I returned my attention to Andy. "I've got like a minute left."
I could hear the worry in Andy's voice. "Alright baby. I'll see you soon."
"Yeah. Hurry up."
"Going as fast as I can."
"I love you," I sighed.
"Love you too gorgeous."
The phone beeped and silence filled the air.
"He wanted to speak to you." I told the officer.
He passed me a notepad and pen. "Write the number. I'll call him."
I picked up the pen.

Andrew Biersack
(A/N: Fake number. PLEASE don't call it. )

-Four Hours Later-

I stared at the ceiling of the tiny cell I was being held in. They didn't send me to the prison or anything, just put me away from all the bustle. I heard a lock jiggling and looked up to see an officer through the window. I sighed in relief and stood up.
"Ms. Simms?"
It's Biersack. I thought, well more like wished. I nodded and followed the burly man out to the lobby of the office. I saw Andy on his phone waiting. I smiled and the officer turned to go a different way. I ran to Andy. "Hello love."
"Hey beautiful." He hugged me and then inspected me.
"No lesbians raped you in your short time in jail, right?" he asked, smiling a little.
I rolled my eyes, "They didn't take me o the jail dumbass. But, no lesbians could rape me. I got ninja skills." I kicked the air.
"Are you on drugs? Because the last time you tried to have 'ninja skills' you fell on a plant and broke the pot it was in."
I laughed at the memory. "I thought we agreed never to speak of that."
He hugged my neck and started walking towards the exit. "Let's get out of here."

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