Chapter Fourteen

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~Juliet Simms~

I walked on the Black Veil Brides tour bus around three in the morning. I was careful not to wake anyone as I tip-toed back to Andy's bunk. I looked inside and saw no Andy. I furrowed my eyebrows and walked to the back of the bus. I looked around. Still no Andy. He wasn't on the couch either; I would've seen him when I walked in. I shrugged. Maybe he was just out with Ashley. I checked Ashley's bunk. He was gone as well. I sighed in relief. He was just out with Ashley.
With my eyes half-closed already, I collapsed on the couch.

~Jake Pitts~

I woke up first the next morning. Ashley and Andy still weren't back yet from getting Jade from Blake's house. They both left yesterday around two o'clock in the afternoon. I walked into the living room part of the bus and was surprised at what I saw.
Juliet was passed out on the couch. Quickly, I whipped out my phone, almost dropping it and texted Andy.

Juliet's here. Did you know she was coming? I guess she came in last night.
Yeah, I knew she was coming, but it wasn't supposed to be until late tomorrow night. I was supposed to have time. Dammit. Is she awake?
No, is there anything you need me to do before she does wake up?
Yeah, actually quite a few things. Will you take down all the pictures of Jade in my bunk, the drawing, and the note on the very top. Just sit them in Ash's bunk, under his pillow. Grab Jade's perfume and pillow. Put the perfume in the living room and the pillow in Ash's bunk too. Uhh, anything else you find that has anything to do with Jade, just put in in Ash's bunk. Thanks Jake.
No problem, Andy but, you need to tell Juli.
I know, I know. Jade and I talked about it. We're trying to figure it out. Trust me, it won't be long before I tell her. Jade keeps threatening to break up with me. And that will NOT happen. It can't happen.
Okay. Just...soon. It needs to be done soon.
Thanks Jake.

I rushed to get all Jade's shit out of Andy's bunk. I woke Jinxx up to help me, knowing Juliet would be awake any minute. Normally, she was awake first out of Andy, CC, Jinxx, Ashley, her, and I. I sighed when I was finished. As soon as Jade's perfume was sat on the counter, her eyes shot open.
"Jake?" she asked groggily.
"Good morning sunshine," I smiled, pulling some orange juice out of the mini fridge. Jinxx walked in, followed by an over-hung CC. He groaned as he laid down on the couch.
"Where's Jess?" I asked.
CC sighed, "She's asleep."
"Jess?" Juliet asked.
"CC's fiancé," Jinxx informed her.
"WHAT?!" Juliet yelled. "Why didn't Andy tell me?"
We all shrugged and she sighed, "He's been distant lately..."
No one said anything and Juliet continued, "Do you guys know why? Is there anything going on with him."
Everyone remained silent once again and Jess walked in holding a Ping-Pong paddle. Where the hell did she get that from?
"Alright," she demanded. "Whoever the hell yelled at seven twenty-seven in the morning is about to get their ass beat with a fucking ping pong paddle."
"Well," CC smirked. "Aren't you just my little ray of sunshine?"
"Shut up, Christian. I'll beat your ass, too," she murmured.
CC sighed, "Can I at least get a kiss?"
She sat down beside CC and what started as a peck on the lips quickly escalated.
"Okay children!" Jinxx yelled. "You know how Andy feels about us 'doing it' on the couch!"
Jess pulled away and Juliet laughed, "Regardless, nobody wants to watch that shit anyways!"

Jess smiled and stuck her hand out, "I'm Jessica."
They shook hands and Jess nodded, "Ah, so you're the 'oh so beautiful' Juliet Andy never fucking shuts his face about."
Juliet blushed and the bus door opened. Ashley walked in carrying a sleeping Jade. Then, Andy walked in. He was watching Ashley carry his girlfriend like a hawk. Ashley gave everyone a nod before carrying Jade to the back and putting her in my bunk. His needed to be emptied of Jade's things and mine was the next closest.
Andy groggily smiled at everyone and pecked Juliet's lips.
"You're early," he stated and Danny walked into the bus.
"Hey guys!" he cheered. "I heard Jade was back. I need her help."
Andy shot him a dirty look and spat, "She's sleeping."
"Oh okay," Danny nodded. He had gotten used to Andy being a bitch to him, so the tone and looks didn't phase him.
He walked out and with, "Tell her to come see me when she wakes up."
Ashley walked back in and we all began to talk about pointless things.

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