Chapter 33

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~Jade Simms~

Jess smiled and placed my hand on her five months pregnant stomach.
I felt someone kiss the top of my head and I turned around. Andy stood there with his hands in his pockets and a nervous look on his face. I drew my hand away from Jess's stomach and smiled at my boyfriend. He pulled me to him and smiled before kissing me. "Hey beautiful."
I smiled and he sighed heavily, "I need you to come outside with me."
"Okay," I said questionably. Andy took my hand a drug me outside. We had the bus parked in a parking lot. It wasn't anything special.
Ashley stood a few feet away holding a black rose and a card. He smiled at me. "Hey princess, come here."
He kissed my forehead and glanced behind me. He handed me a folded piece of white paper. I opened it.

Turn around, gorgeous.

I turned around and gasped, dropping the card. Andy was on one knee behind me holding open a ring box.
Andy took the hand that wasn't covering my mouth and smiled. "Jade, we've had our fights, our ups and down, and I've lost it all. We always found our way back to each other in the end. Everything I do is done for you. You're my everything, my savior. We're unbroken. We get past any obstacle and never give in. I would die for you. We weren't supposed to fall in love, but we did. Our life was a rebel love song. You make me a better person. I love you for that. When I'm with you, I can say goodbye agony. You make it all go away. Our days are numbered , Jade, and I want to spend the rest of mine with you. I'm nobody's hero and I can't resurrect the sun but I can make you happy. So, please let me, and marry me?"
I had tears running down my face. I nodded and tugged on his hand. I wasn't worried about the ring. I wanted a kiss. He stood up and wrapped his arms around me, shutting the box so the ring wouldn't fall out. I pressed my lips to his and then rested chin on his shoulder.
"You cheesy little shit," I sniffled, laughing a little.
He kissed my head. "You love it."
"Of course I do," I laughed.
"I love you," Andy smiled.
I kissed Andy's neck, "I love you."
He pulled away and opened his box back up, sliding the ring on my finger.
"Andy, holy shit, you spent way too much money on this ring," I exclaimed.
He sighed and I heard Jess behind me, "Told you."
"You deserve the best, though," Andy said and shot a look at Jess.
I smiled, "I love you."
"I know," Andy said and pulled me back to him. "Give me another kiss."
I giggled and kissed him softly. He smiled, "Guess what."
I wrapped my arms around Andy and asked, "What?"
"We're getting married, babe," he smiled.

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