Chapter 39

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~Andy Biersack~

Jade had been gone for about two weeks now. I hadn't really heard from her. She was still putting things on Twitter, but she was completely ignoring me. I hated it. I sat at home with my Dad. We were off tour and I was trying not to remember Christmas was so close. I had gotten Juliet to sign the papers and I was going to give the signed divorce papers to Jade for Christmas. We'd reported Jade missing twice already, but since she was still in contact with some people (Stella, Liv, and Jess) they couldn't file a report. The girls won't help us. They say they have been swore to secrecy.
I sipped on my eggnog and Dad changed the channel on TV. It was the first Christmas my father would celebrate without my mom and I knew it'd be hard for him. Dad had at least set up the tree but it was free of ornaments. Neither of us were up to it. We would probably go to my grandparent's house for Christmas dinner instead if having tons of friends and family over for here. Mom was gone and couldn't fix food anymore. I figured I would have Jade to fill in and make it feel like she was still here. I knew Jade would try her best to make Christmas feel like Christmas. I fucked that up though.
I sighed and Dad looked at me, "Hungry?"
"I guess," I mumbled.
"Let's go up to Sammy's then," he told me.
That was Mom and Dad's place. I didn't know if I was ready to go back there. I also didn't feel up to it. I didn't have a reason to do anything anymore and I was permanently sad. It was like back on tour when Jade stayed home, but worse. I hardly ever talked, most of the time I can't sleep, I don't eat more than half a PB&J in a whole day. I shook my head, "Not there."
"Pizza, then, son?" he asked.
I nodded, "Delivery and make sure they cut it all the way through."
"You want them to chew it up for you, too Andy? You have got to get out of this slump, son. This is bullshit. I know you've been through a lot in the last couple months, but this is no way of dealing with it. I didn't do this when I lost your mom. I was sad, of course, but it's life Andy. I still had to get up every morning and go to work and get paid so I could pay my bills. Pull your shit together and act like the adult you are. This is the world, Andy and no one is going to take care of you. Not me, not Jade, not your band, you. You are the only one who can do anything about this," Dad said, standing up. "Now go get dressed. We're going out to eat."
I nodded and walked upstairs to shower, thinking about what he'd said. As I stepped into the shower, I realized he was right. I was an adult and I needed to get over myself. I couldn't rely on one person to decide how I was going to be. I was happy with Jade, really happy, but I needed to be happy without her too. I guess they're right, nothing lasts forever.
I was out of the shower quickly, despite how good the scalding hot water felt on my neglected skin. I sighed and got dressed and brushed through my hair. Next, I brushed my teeth and just looked at myself in the mirror. Bags hung low under my eyes and you could feel the sleep deprivation radiating off of me. My skin was paler than usual and I looked like hell. I picked up a washcloth and wiped my mouth, taking any toothpaste residue away. I took one last look at myself before trotting down the stairs.
Dad stood in the kitchen, putting on his watch. He clasped it and looked at me, "Ready?"
"As I'll ever be," I said and we walked out of the house to his car.
I drove. It didn't take long to get there. It was about three miles from our house and that's why my mom liked it so much. We'd always been pretty good friends with the owners there and I'd even worked there before I got my start in music busting tables and taking orders. I wasn't really good at it and most people complained about the waiter with eyeliner and black skinny jeans, but for some reason, out of the kindness of her heart, Sammy kept me there. Sammy had inherited the restaurant when her grandmother died and was named after the place. The original owner had named it Sammy because of her first boyfriend, Samuel. Of course Sammy wasn't Samuel, she was Samantha, but we all called her Sammy, just like they used to call Samuel Sammy. Her food was great and symbolized home to me.
Mom and Dad met at Sammy's as teenagers. That was always their date night destination and I was made in the parking lot in the back of my Dad's old Mustang. I sighed and turned into the parking lot. My Dad had a smile in his face. I knew this place made him happy. I turned off the ignition and joined Dad at the tail end of the car. We walked in together and Mabelle, one of the waitresses who was older than Sammy herself, yelled, "Sammy! Chris and Andy have come to eat!"
The whole restaurant looked at us and as usual, I heard a couple gasps and a few people mutter my band name. We sat down at the bar and Sammy walked out. She threw her hands up and leaned over the bar, hugging me. "Andy! How ya' doin' hun?"
"Eh, I'm alright," I sighed and hugged Sammy back.
She jumped up and sat on the bar, "What's goin' on sweetie?"
I loved her Southern accent. She'd been raised deep in the South and her roots really did show. "My fiancée has disappeared and-"
My phone vibrated on the counter. I turned it over and picked up.
"Is this Andrew Biersack?" "
"Yes, who is this?"
"This is Southside Hospital. I've gotten a request from Ms. Juliet Simms to inform you that your fiancée, Jade, has been in a car accident and things aren't looking good. I'm sorry Mr. Biersack, but we don't think she's going to make it. If you'd like to see her before she goes, I'd get over here. The address is-"
I couldn't hear what she said the rest was a blur.

Only two chapters left...

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