Episode 10: The Bridge

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Skye is sitting inside her bunk clicking keys on her laptop and looking at, what looks like, profiles of people. We get a slightly better look and they are all females that she is looking at. Coulson knocks on her door and she looked up.

"Mission briefing in five minutes." Coulson said.

"Okay." Skye said.

Coulson comes into her bunk and looks down at her laptop. We can see that it is in fact profiles of female S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Skye is looking at.

"Kathrine Shane?" Coulson asked.

"Do you know her?" Skye asked.

"We ran a few ops together in the 90s. Smart, resourceful. Had a soft spot for Truffaut movies." Coulson said.

"Easy there, charm school. According to these files Agent Shane could be my mom," Skye  looks up at him with a smile and he sighs.

"Even if Shane was the agent who dropped you off at the orphanage, it doesn't mean she's your mother." Coulson reminds her.

"I started looking into all the female agents active when I was born. Needle, haystack, I know. But then I factored in age and marital status and then I built a program to narrow down the field." Skye said.

"You're still looking at a long road." said Coulson.

"Well, it would be a lot shorter if I could access more files. Maybe you could remove my internet nanny, that you gave me at The Hub and never took off me because I broke into level 8 secure files?" Skye asked.

Coulson just stares at her and she lifts her hand.

"I'm talking about my tacking bracelet." Skye said.

"I got that." Coulson replied.

"So you'll take it off?" Skye asked.

"No. But I asked May to look into S.H.I.E.L.D's more restricted files." Coulson said.

"I was kind of hoping to keep this private." Skye said.

"Agent May specializes in private." Coulson said, he nods his head to Skye then turns to walk out of the room. "Let's go."


Inside the cargo hold, May and Grant are sparring and looking pretty evenly matched doing so. That is until May delivers a big punch to his chest then kicks his legs out from under him, Ward stays on the mat a moment grimacing and panting at May looks at him with a smile.

"Nice feint." Grant said, he slowly gets up to sitting position.

"I read your file. I know you favor your left." May said.

"That's in there? What else?" Grant asked.

"Nothing that's news. You don't play well with others." May replied smiling slightly, she holds her hand out to him, he takes it and gets to his feet.

"I think I've proven that I can...more than once when I agreed to be Skye's SO and spar with you."

Grant gives her a little grin, he gets a very serious face in return.

"Hmm." is all May said in response.

"Towel down," They both look up quickly to see Coulson standing on the catwalk above them. "I need you both in the Command Center in five."

Coulson then turns and walks away, May and Grant share a look.


Inside the Command Center, Coulson is leading the briefing. Camera footage shows the Centipede Soldiers breaking into the prison and taking off with Edison Po.

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