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Jakob has known this place since he was a baby and therefore knows where to hide and the perfect place to build a tree house.
Which he has already built while growing up. He has kept hidden about the house, about the fact that he went into the woods alone when he was only ten years old.
And that is where he is taking me now, he is in the middle of a big pile of dense, unkempt-looking trees.
The road we are walking is unmarked by the passage of someone or some animal, and practically invisible to the eye of the unknown, but visible to those who know where it leads to.
《Jakob, why did you carry all that stuff in your backpack?》
I ask him curiously about the huge backpack on his shoulder. 《I have my new diary and pen, to start writing my secret diary and also to mark the path I took to get to the tree house.
《Because we'll spend the whole day and also the night there. We'll have a great time and then for everything I have the radio with me and we'll hear all the news even the ones we're forbidden to listen to. You understand how nice it is, we'll sleep under the stars, we'll tell each other adventure stories and anecdotes from our childhood, to get to know each other. What do you say?》
He explains happily, I can understand him alone with all those adults in the house, he must have felt lonely and now that I'm here he can finally share his discoveries with someone his own age.
《That's fine with me, but what will we tell his grandparents next? They'll be worried since we disappeared from home, maybe we should have left them a message to warn them and at least calm them down a bit.》
I explain to him. And he shrugs in reply.
《I always do that, by now they're used to my constant and sudden disappearances. So take it easy! 》
He says smiling with thirty-two teeth and then continues walking. I follow closely behind him, avoiding getting lost in this dense forest.
《We've almost reached our destination, buckle up because we're about to land at the tree house! 》
Says Jakob imitating an aeroplane pilot, he loves aeroplanes and wants to fly one one someday, but not the war one but a rescue or cargo one or even a passenger one, he wants it so much that every time he sees a German aeroplane passing over the school, he stops and draws it and then sticks it on the wall of his room. Which is now full of metal and paper models, posters of great pilots from all over the world, photographs of planes. A paradise for Jakob, I nicknamed it 'Areolandia': areo from aeroplane and landia from state or country so the country of planes.


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