As I understand it, the child is the same age as me and lives not far from here, but in Italy, in one of the small villages near the small state border.
His name is Michele and he has two brothers who are five years older than me, he is a few centimetres taller than me, but it is hardly noticeable as his hair is a bit dishevelled, his mum has taken great pains to try to keep it well combed but her actions are in vain.
He has very light blond hair, and two light brown eyes, and his face is covered with freckles, which make his face look more puckish and tender.
He is very shy, but on that we both are, after all, I avoid talking so as not to reveal to him that I am German, and all the prejudices that come with it, as well as the end of our, albeit fledgling, friendship.
Michele is a very lively boy and is easily amused.
《My dad and mum bought me a new bicycle for my birthday, you want to see it, it's beautiful! I came all the way here by pedalling today.》
《It's a long way to go, pedaling and then it's sloping, you must have worked hard! 》
《Not too much, I'm used to it when my grandfather lived here I used to come up with my mum and dad on a bike. It's relaxing, do you know how to ride a bike?》
He asked me with two curious eyes full of euphoria.
《No, the day I wanted to try we had to...》I can't tell him that I escaped with my kidnappers/fake parents from Poland when the war broke out, otherwise he might guess I'm an outlaw or something! That would be the end of everyone! 《We had to move so I couldn't try, a missed opportunity, haha.》
I tell him, but now that I think about it what about Sophie, I hope she's alright, I miss her so much but I can't even write to her because I don't know where she is, I just hope she's alright, and that she's happy... at least she's with her mum and dad, which I thought so too until a few weeks ago.
《Earth calling Linda, are you there? Are you lost? 》
The blondie in front of me wakes up, meanwhile he's brought along a beautiful, shiny, well-lacquered, flaming red bicycle, it'll cost a fortune!
《It's beautiful! 》
《Do you want to take it for a ride? I'll teach you if you want! 》
He tells me with a proud air, of someone who knows how to ride it like a champion.
《I'd love to, but are you sure? It's a beautiful bike, I could ruin or break it for you.》
I explain in a calm voice, even though I'm dying to try it!
《I'm sure none of that will happen, I trust you, who seems to be good at learning fast, and also me, for my excellent teaching! 》
He's a little full of himself, my lords! 《All right, I'll allow him, after all it's thanks to him that I know how to ride a bike and that I can make 'friends'.
《Ready, lesson number 1 on Saturday starts now》
He says imitating the teachers at school, he imitates them perfectly, so much so that I almost started to cry with laughter, I found a real friend!
《Now take your seats, whoever can't find a desk ask me! 》
I play along and raise my hand as if to ask a question.
《What do you want! I said to stand, what is it now miss? 》
《Excuse me professor but I can't find my desk, where should I stand? 》
《Sit over there, and pay attention to the lecture, I hope the next time you raise your hand is for a question related to my lecture, are we clear? Good, okay let's proceed! 》
He says pointing at a small wall, I play along and stand on the small wall not waiting for the master to be in the garden bordered by the small wall.
《Get off my little wall, you brats! 》
Says the old man, shouting at us, we immediately started running away from the little square we were in, until we were too far away that we couldn't even see the market stalls.
《That was unexpected! 》
《Says Michele with short breath from running, we were running for our safety, that old man was furious, just because we were sitting on his little wall playing, we weren't even climbing over him and entering his property!
《Yes, I've never felt like a criminal more than now! 》♡•○•♡

The Daughter of the Führer
Historical FictionThis story, it's not an insult to anyone, it's just a story that appeared to me in a dream of mine, so if you don't like it, there's nothing I can do about it. But if you want to suggest some new scenes, I am always ready to accept new ideas, of an...