The street we're in is almost completely abandoned, well-kept, but it looks like it's been uninhabited for a few years, it has an eerie feel to it, and it's a little scary.
《Linda, do you know where we are?》
《I don't have a clue, I just know that if we go back, we'll return to the square.》
Suddenly, out of nowhere, a squeak makes us jump to attention as two men dressed in black come out of a door, similar, too similar to those who visited grandma and grandpa in Switzerland... they're carrying out gentlemen in their forties and children...
They forcefully drag them towards a cattle truck, the soldiers in black don't notice us at first, and maybe it's for the best, but after a child's corpse comes out of the house with a hole in its head, probably from a pistol bullet, and the guards have a gun on their hip and one in their hand. They are alerted by a sob from me at the sight of the corpse, he is lying there helpless, with dried blood dripping from his head, the air gets cold, so cold that my bones and blood freeze, I couldn't hold back the sob. As soon as they see us, one approaches us, as if to reassure us by showing his empty hands by placing both of his guns on a nearby step and continues to approach with a slow and cautious pace.
《Don't worry, we won't do anything to you or them, we're just taking them to a better place.》
Says the soldier in black, with a thick German accent, I decide to keep my mouth shut and not make a sound, for my safety.
《You are Nazis, aren't you? 》
Michael asked him, looking calm but in his eyes you can see the terror and frightened aura. 《With the fear that he might end up the same way?
《Yes, we are, but you don't have to be afraid, good children shouldn't be chastised or punished, anyway I'm SS Alex and this is my colleague Jakob.》
He said all the words with a sense of calm, which is out of character in this situation. When he mentions his colleague, the latter turns towards us, while closing the van's box.
《Yes, children like you are rewarded for skill and intellect not punished for trivial things.》
Said the so-called Jakob.
《Maybe you can help us, do you know if someone has recently arrived in the village, or someone who has moved in a hurry?》
He asked, with an air of, give me an answer and hurry!
Michele and I looked at each other for a moment, and with a sign of understanding, we decided what to say, but in our gazes, total fear could be seen.
《I don't know, sir, I don't live here, I live at the bottom of the valley, I stay here at the weekend at my grandmother's, I don't know many people from around here.》
Michele replied, trying to keep calm, after which the guard's gaze shifted at lightning speed to me, mentally asking me the same question.
《And you? 》
The Nazi asked me.
《I don't know much, I've been home sick for quite a while recently, so I haven't been out and seen anything strange until now. I'm sorry sir》
《That's fine, you're very polite for your age! However, if anything bothers you or you notice people acting strange or unusual, don't hesitate to report it to the town hall, there you will find one of our colleagues who will be more than happy to greet you with candies and ready to listen to you and most importantly believe you.》
He then said, pointing in the direction of the town hall, that is, to the square where we were before.
《Now that I think about it, what are you two doing in this area, kids your age shouldn't go to these uninhabited places, you might get hurt and no one could help you. Anyway, don't get into trouble. Above all, don't get into trouble that's bigger than you, it's for your own good.》
He then said while lecturing us, even though he is bad and has done so much harm, he is still kind to us.
《Now go and I'll see you around, maybe. Auf Wiedersehen!》
He says to us in German and then both he and his colleague get into the van and start to drive away, leaving behind a pile of dust and the door of the house, now empty, still wide open. We are curious to see what has happened and what remains of the house.
But we decide not to get involved and to follow the German's advice, not to 'get into more trouble than we are'.♡•○•♡

The Daughter of the Führer
Historical FictionThis story, it's not an insult to anyone, it's just a story that appeared to me in a dream of mine, so if you don't like it, there's nothing I can do about it. But if you want to suggest some new scenes, I am always ready to accept new ideas, of an...