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《Guten Morgen, haben sie nach mir gesucht? Officer Hibermann berichtet!(Good morning, were they looking for me? Officer Hibermann reporting?)《I hear him talking on the phone, while the officer he was talking to earlier enters the office, leaving two documents in front of him, and then leaves, closing the door behind him.
《Ich verstehe, ich werde alles so schnell wie möglich erledigen! Ich beginne heute mit meiner Überweisung! Heil Hitler! (I understand, I will do everything as quickly as possible! I will begin my transfer today! Heil Hitler!)《he ends the call and picks up the documents.
《Now we have to sign and fill out these documents so we can leave San Marino without any problems. Here, put in your data.》 he says handing me a pen and paper.
First name:
《Should I put in which first and last name? 》
《The one we established earlier, Bella Hibermann》.
First name: Bella
Surname: Hibermann
Age: 12 years 1927
《As a family, I put you and the teacher? 》
《Yes, Alexander Hibermann and Heidi Hibermann, Anne Hibermann and Hans Hibermann as parents.》
《Are these your parents' names? 》
《Yes, they are, we'll go to them in Germany, there I'll have to stay in Berlin for a while while while you'll stay with my parents for the time I'm away, don't worry Heidi will be there with you too!》 he explains.
Family: Alexander Hibermann, Heidi Hibermann, Anne Hibermann and Hans Hibermann.
《For education I put Secondary School?》he nods.
Education: Second Grade Primary School
Birthday: 7 May
《For residence put in order, Frankfurt, Turin and San Marino》he precedes me.
Residence: Frankfurt, Turin and San Marino
Reason for Expatriation: Familial
Country of arrival: Germany
Countries of transit Italy, Switzerland
《I'm done, are they okay? 》I ask him and he reads them carefully.
《Perfect, now let's go to my house, I'll pick up the suitcases and take Heidi with us too, and then we'll leave.》
《So we're going to Germany! Is that near Berlin Frankfurt? 》
《More or less, yes! But I don't think I'll take you there! 》
《Oh, alright...》 I reply and so he stands up and waves me to follow him out of the office.
《Can you hold my papers for me? 》he says handing me the papers《Thank you》and I take them in my hands.
He approaches the entrance counter.
《Can you quickly give me another expat document, as quickly as possible, thank you.》The woman at the entrance desk hands him the paper in question.
《Goodbye, Mr Hibermann! Happy return to Germany, Heil Hitler!》 says the woman and the other officers, when we are almost at the door of the house.
《Thank you and goodbye.》she says turning around, towards the other officers.
And so we walk out of the town hall, Alex heads towards a small street, one that I've never yet gone to or visited, but it's a very well-kept and well-kept street, and it's also very luxurious, with colourful houses and colourful flowers on all the window sills. Alex lives here!!! What luxury!!!
《Do you and Heidi live here??》 I ask him and he nods 《This is where the housing is paid for by the German state, and yes, we do live there for now!》 he answers me and from his coat pocket he takes out a key and stops in front of a door, of dwelling number 5 and underneath the number is a sign 'Third Reich officer Alexander Hibermann and Heidi Hibermann'.
《So you live in complete luxury! 》


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