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At home, Jakob and Grandma come to greet us.
《Welcome back! How did it go? 》
Grandma says smiling, then her smile fades slightly as she notices a large paper bag in my arms.
《Willhelm, still with the habit of buying toys for your grandson and now for Linda too! You have to stop, money doesn't grow on trees and you know it too! 》
Grandma scolds him, angry. I decide to defend Grandpa.
《Grandpa just wanted to give me a present, no big deal. Besides, I was practically the one who made him do it. So yell at me instead! 》
As soon as I finish saying that! Grandma but also the rest of the family are shocked by my words, so much so that they look at me with their eyes almost out of their sockets. And they are also a bit creepy.
The situation gets better when I hear a laugh break the atmosphere, I turn around and notice Grandpa laughing breathlessly.
《This girl has quite a temper! 》
She says while resting her hand on my shoulder, continuing to laugh.
Grandma looks at me angrily, but holds back because she knows that she's in the wrong and that a little girl told the truth to defend a gentleman who isn't part of her family and whom she doesn't know well yet.
《What did you buy nice, Linda? 》
Aunt Beatrix asked me, to dispel the embarrassment in the surrounding air.
And I decided to show everyone Grandpa's presents.
I show them the leather diary, the pen and the two postcards.
Then we go into the house and go to eat.
Jakob and I decide to make a full-fledged getaway: we go into the woods!
I suggest to him to be as quiet as possible.
《If we want to go out without getting caught, we have to hurry but in absolute silence and for anything, we have to whisper. Let's go》.
He nods and together we go towards the exit, but we notice that there's Uncle Carlo by the door talking on the phone.
So we backtrack and decide together to go out through the window at the back of the house.
We succeed in our feat by a whisker, because the grandmother was about to enter the kitchen, where we were coming out.
Just a few metres away from the house we start running towards the woods. We don't stop until we've already reached the third or fourth row of trees.
《Well, we escaped this one, then we have to see for the return, that will be the hardest part. Grandma will be extra vigilant and worried about our absence, mum will be like that too, dad more slightly but for the most part he'll be interested in the football final, grandpa will be sleeping as usual.


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