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《What's so funny? 》
I ask him, seeing him barely holding back laughter, trying to keep a straight face or at least he's trying, but in vain as he has a grimace of someone who just got hit in the nether regions.
《Nothing, it's just that I'm surprised by the fact, that you don't know what a chancellor is, but especially that you compared him to a mayor! 》
《Well, you can also understand that, here in San Marino, there are chancellors, but here there are only those who actually open the gates and not high State officials? 》
《True, that one had slipped my mind for a moment, anyway he's a high official, like a head of government, he's one or two steps lower than the president or an emperor or other offices.》
Ah, so basically Dad is a government man! How cool!!!
《Uffa! 》
I say, slamming my right hand on my forehead.
I only just remembered that the package is still at home in Mom's room and all the family members are at home. Damn shitty situation!
《What? Aren't you happy to know what your father's job is? 》
《No, it's not that, it's that I want to open the package but he's at home now! And I don't want to go home! 》
She looks at me as if in a moment she might give me a scolding like those of a mum, in Poland 'mum' used to scold me a lot, because I hardly ever minded my own business and thus also got into big trouble....
《I know, you didn't leave them in the best way, but you'll have to keep them at home, or they'll be worried about you, after all they're your family, and they love you. They are doing it for your sake, after all they lost a sister, a daughter because of your father, but they were too cruel about their decision not to tell you the truth, but only what they believe to be the truth.》
I nod at her words, but I still don't have the urge to go home, and to see them and suffer bloody hours of scolding, and then now there's Aunt Teresa who's also injured, so they'll... they'll all be in the hospital!
《Alex, we can go home, there won't be anyone at home they'll be at the hospital for Aunt Teresa! We can take the package and open it somewhere else later! 》
《The idea isn't bad, you know! 》
He says while running a hand through my hair.
《You're a very smart and cunning child for your age! Let's go now.》
So, together we walk back towards the road that until not even half an hour ago I was running in the opposite direction, with the unmovable idea that I wouldn't go back there so soon...
《Here we go, do you want to play? 》
《All right...》
I ring the doorbell, but no answer, probably everyone has left, for Aunt Teresa... and now we're outside an empty house!
《It seems like no one's home, do you want to try coming back later or do you want to do the criminal option?》
《What's the criminal option! I'm intrigued! 》
《That we enter by burgling the door or a window, but it's hardly civilised! 》
《Whatever! Civil, let's do it! 》
And so, Alex starts to force open the living room window, so as to avoid damaging it.
I meanwhile stand around him checking that no one notices that we're breaking into the house or everyone comes and notices me here with Alex again.
《The window is open, I'll come in and let you in》.
And having said that, she climbs onto the windowsill and sneaks in on the other side of the window and not even a few seconds later, she looks out again and stretches her arms towards me.
《Come on, be quiet》.
《All right》
And so I grab onto the ledge, and lift myself up by resting my foot on top of a stone and grab Alex's arms.
《Relax, that in a moment you're in》
He relaxes me with words.
《Lower your head》
He advises me as he lifts me off the ground and in a blink of an eye lays me down on a kitchen cabinet, if grandma finds out she'll freak out!
《Well, now that we're inside the house, let's go get the package, and before they come back we have to slip out.》
He tells me and I nod and start walking towards the upper floor.
I pull the key out of my pocket and head towards the door, I wait to open it until I see Alex behind me.
I insert the key into the lock and turn the bolt and before long there is the door open.
I see Alex, blocking the room but not entering.
I don't pay much attention to it, but I head to the bedside table and besides the package I also take one of the pictures on the bedside table, which depicts Mum with Uncle Carlo on a beach, they look very young, they must be empty Alex's age... by the way I don't think he mentioned his age, but he doesn't look that much older than me, as Uncle Carlo is!
《Do you want to stay here and open the package, or do you want to come to my house... the choice is yours!》
《Better at your house, then we wouldn't have the problem of being caught here at home, and then I don't think I want to see them again...》
I say and as soon as we go out, I go to open my room and fill a backpack with my diary and some clothes, I think I'll stay at Alex's house for the night but for the next ones I might ask Michele, if he can put me up at his house for a night... or I'll take refuge in some abandoned house hoping not to meet any homeless people or ill-intentioned people!
《Okay, I'm ready to go! 》
Just in time to close my backpack, we hear a bunch of voices approaching us.
We immediately freeze.
《Nonna! The kitchen window is wide open!》
I hear Antonio's voice, echoing through the house... I look at Alex and see him motionless and impassive, I see him pick up the gun. I call him back to me, pointing to the window overlooking the rooftop.
He starts to open the window, while I lock the door to my room, trying to make as little noise as possible.


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