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《We're almost there, soon you'll meet Grandma Maria and Grandpa Alexander, they wanted to meet you since the day you were born, but after you disappeared they had a small room built with a small shrine to commemorate you and also to pray for your future return home. Now the room is locked, especially since the beginning of the war, also to prevent your father from finding out, so all children are forbidden from talking about it and also from entering the room. They will open it for you, and it will finally be used. You must remember that it has a slightly different style from yours, but you can change it as you wish. It's your room and no one can tell you what to put in and what not.》
Uncle explains to me, how can they love the daughter of a monster like my father... now that I think about it uncle never told me who my father is!
I call out to him, immediately giving me his attention, always keeping his gaze on the road.
《Yes, what is it? 》
He asks me. So I take that little bit of courage and ask him the question.
《You never told me who my father is》.
He stiffens on the spot and looks at me with a 'don't ask such questions again!' look on his face, and from there I realise that I have to keep my mouth shut on this topic.
《As not asked! 》
And from there our conversation ends, I start looking out the window looking for any distraction that will take my mind off my dad, even superficially.
I am distracted from my thoughts by Uncle Carlo who stops the car in front of a block of flats, isolated from the others, with only one surname on the intercom 'Felice'. I think it's the last name of the uncle and his family.
《Carlo! My child, you've come home! Alexander come, Carlo has arrived!》
A woman in her sixties, who has just come out of the front door, comes up to us and goes to hug her uncle, who reciprocates a bit embarrassed, then the woman notices my presence and says in amazement.
《Carlo, who is this child? 》
I immediately release the embrace, and Uncle pushes me further towards the lady.
《Mom, this is Linda, your niece.》
《I didn't know you had children, Carlo?》
《The lady answers him in curiosity, and then shifts her gaze to me, who is to the right of Uncle Carlo.
《No, she's not my daughter.... She's the daughter of Angelica and that monster. They're looking for her, but there's no telling what they want to do to her or what he'll do to her. So she will stay here with us. If it suits you, of course.》
The woman as soon as she hears the name rushes to me, hugging me bursting into tears.
《Finally, my granddaughter is home... where have you been all this time... I am Maria, your grandmother... you understand me right?》
She finally asks me.
I look at Uncle Carlo, confused, I don't understand Italian or whatever language he's speaking... I know Polish, well, German at a low level and I only know a few words of Italian, like 'ciao', 'pizza', 'pasta' and 'moda'. The others are indecipherable to me.


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