《Drehen Sie das Radio lauter, es ist interesting!(Turn up the radio, it's interesting!)》I hear voices on the other side of the wall and I also hear a radio broadcasting a program, and it's in German, so it's a meeting place for Germans below! 《Lassen Sie mich in Ruhe! Die reden nur Blödsinn!(Don't bother me! They're just talking bullshit!)》the other replies, and I hear the radio making strange sounds, I think they're arguing by changing the frequency of the radio. 《Why does the light do this?》I say in a low voice, noticing that the torch is flashing, if I remember correctly I have a torch in my backpack, maybe it's charged to keep me in the light until Alex and Heidi arrive. I put my backpack on the ground next to me and as soon as I try to open it, I see the most disgusting and terrifying being crawling over it. A SPIDER!!
I start screaming, and in the blink of an eye the security door behind me opens and hits me with the light of the room, which is new to me. Three masculine figures immediately tower over me. 《Ha,ha,haa....》I say trying to ease the tension 《What a beautiful scene! No?》I continue but I see their faces always frowning and still. 《Who are you and what are you doing here!》one of the three tells me in an authoritative tone. 《I am...》《She is under my protection, don't worry》I hear Alex's familiar voice behind me, preceding me, I see him go down the last steps with Heidi in tow. 《Mr. Hibermann, I hope that you will then make a report in which you will explain the whole situation.》the officer himself reproaches him 《Of course Kapo》《And remember to tell everything from the beginning》and having said that he goes away towards another door, I think the house in which he resides. 《Well, you've met the Kapo, a wonderful character, right?》Alex points out to me, so is that the figure with the most power here? 《Alex, what happened to Uncle Carlo?》he doesn't answer me 《After a brief argument, he returned to his house with a black eye, and left Alex several bruises on his body》Heidi answers me in his place. Then he comes closer to me and whispers in my ear.
《Alex is furious because in addition to kicking him in the stomach, he also heavily insulted our mother!》 The uncle... insulted their mother... but why did he do it! 《Miss Hibermann, it's always a pleasure to see you!》an officer approaches Heidi and holds out his hand. 《Good morning to you too, Mr. Miller》《Miller? Just call me Ryker!》I leave the two of them to converse and I look around and notice another familiar face on a loveseat. 《Ah, that's the reason for all this commotion!》the one who seems to me to be Jakob, the other officer who was with Alex in the street, approaches... 《I'm sorry, but you're not the girl of the 'another day!' he says, approaching us. 《You're Jakob, right?》《I see you remember well, but what are you doing in this madhouse?》He asks me, now next to me.
《Alex, take me back to my father in Germany!》I reply to him, and he, almost shocked by my answer, looks at me with a curious look, first at me and then at Alex. 《Ah, I see》then he turns to Alex 《do you need a hand, Al?》《No, don't worry, Heidi and I will take care of taking her home》Jakob doesn't seem entirely convinced... 《And how do you take her to his house? , what if you have to be in Berlin by tomorrow morning?》the latter says with an 'I know everything' attitude, making Alex panic. 《Jakob, I have to talk to you in private》Jakob agrees, a little annoyed, and walks slowly towards Alex, then Alex turns towards him 《Now!》, he says in an authoritative tone, which shocks Jakob for a moment, 《Yes , yes, I'm coming》 And having said that, the two are in a corner whispering, sometimes I see them looking towards me, or maybe behind me. Behind me is Heidi talking to that gentleman. After a few minutes, Alex and Jakob return to my side, and Jakob leans close to me with his ear.
《I'll take you back to Germany...》♡•○•♡

The Daughter of the Führer
Historical FictionThis story, it's not an insult to anyone, it's just a story that appeared to me in a dream of mine, so if you don't like it, there's nothing I can do about it. But if you want to suggest some new scenes, I am always ready to accept new ideas, of an...