Chapter 2

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   Losing his breath himself Sonic began to see the space around him turn dark with his lungs begging for air.
   Amy who let loose of all strength glanced at her savior. Pulling out her hand to be saved, Sonic grabbed on and with whatever strength he had left Sonic pulled the mech away.
Amy only floated lightly, dead still. Seeing this Sonic jumped as hard as he could. Amy flew up into Tails's arms.
   Smoke and fire filled the field and Knuckles has had most of the damage Tails only lasted with a few scrapes and bruises.
   "Amy!" Tails shouted. Amy was as pale she hardly moved. Knuckles stood his ground waiting for Sonic.
   "T-tails! Sonic isn't coming up!" Knuckles shouts.
   Tails falls to the ground carrying Amy in his arms.
   "Quick Knuckles! Revive Amy!" Tails then ran into the water leaving Knuckles to help Amy.
   Knuckles looked down at Amy. "How the hell am I supposed to do this!?" Knuckles then looked at his fist and the idea came to him.
   Sonic slowly started to lay limp in the water. Floating. Before his eyes shut. A figure grabbed Sonic and took ashore.
   Knuckles smiled as Amy started to cough and retch out the water that was in her lungs.
  "Heeyyy your welcome" Knuckles said. In a second Amy got up and smashed her magical hammer onto him.
"Why did you do that?!" Amy barked.
   "Reviving you?" Knuckles spoke with a smile.
   "Revived?! You nearly killed me! You don't smash your fists onto my chest idiot!" Looking around she notices a missing hero."Where's So-" Amy was cut off by Tails's plea for help.
   "Sonic! I can't find Sonic anywhere!" Tails screamed.
Amy gasped and limped towards Tails. "What do you mean you can't find him!?" Knuckles growled.
   "He's not down there all there was is a few robot parts!" Tails replied. "I found no trace of him.."
   Amy clasped her hands together and thought the worst, Amy fell to her knees with a heavy heart thinking her love had died trying to save her.
   Amy's eyes began to water, Tails places his hand over her shoulder.
   "Hey don't worry... This is Sonic we are talking about. I'm sure he got out somewhere else in the lake.
   Knuckles smiled. "Yeah we'll send a search party around the place maybe he didn't get far."
   Amy sniffled and slowly got back to her feet. "Wh-wheres Eggman?.."
   Knuckled growled. "The fat weasel got away while we were distracted..."
   Tails cutted in. "Now is not the time for that! We gotta search for Sonic as fast as we can.!"
   Amy slowly smiled, Tails gave Amy a reassuring smile.
   "Alright then! We should hurry and grab everyone together. I'll find you my darling Sonic! Ya can't get far from me!" Amy was back to being happy as can be.
   Tails smiled. "I'm positive Sonic is just fine."
   If only Tails knew how wrong he was.

   Sonic slowly woke up in a strange room. Arms and legs were tied down.
   Sonic slowly spoke, but his voice was barely a whisper.
Sonic's vision would only dimmer and blur, leaving him hopeless in where he was.
  All sonic would see was a lamp over him, the plank he was on was as cold as ice. The room was dark and lightless, Sonic could never have thought where he was.
   "Aaahh so our little rat has finally decided to wake up no?" The voice was over Sonic like a speaker.
   Sonics vision slowly cleared allowing him to know his surroundings.
   There was a wide window, a small silver platter with tools, and something that was being covered by a giant rag.
   The intercom began to speak again. "Now allow me to start our little project called...prototype X..."
   The voice was familiar to Sonic, slowly gathering up the strength he had, Sonic rasped out one agonizing word.

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