Chapter 20

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   Shadow groaned as he twisted and turned in his bed his mind racing.
   Shadow ran and ran through an endless maze trying to find Amy. Her screams echoing,
bouncing off the dark walls around him as he runs through the maze his heart stops at the horrific sight of Amy's torn body and cold dead eyes woke him from his nightmare.
Shadow sat up in a cold sweat his heart pumping and his body shaking. A small glimmer of sunlight shined through his curtains lighting up his room with a warm glow. Next to him, Amy turned to face him on her side, her quills a mess and her eyes halfway open. "What's wrong?" She whispered softly.
   With a relieved sigh Shadow slid right back down under the blanket with her and comforted her that everything's okay. And as he stared at her sleepy eyes he leaned in and pushing away Amy's messy bangs he leaned closer kissing her softly. Shadow then rubs his hand up and down her waist itching to get closer but then his phone rang interrupting his thoughts.
   As his phone continued to ring Amy sat up smiling. "Don't be rude answer it."
Shadow grumbled, "fine I'm going," he got up from his bed and stretched before reaching his phone, "It's Tails" Amy tilts her head in confusion "I wonder what he needs?"
"Me too" Shadow then answers. As Amy watches Shadow speak she sees his soft face change into one of horror and confusion, then as if seeing Amys face with curiosity Shadow forces a reassuring smile.
   Shadow hangs up and looks at Amy, Shadow places his hands on Amy's shoulders. "Don't worry Amy Tails just needs me to help him with something back at his workshop that's all."
Amy let a relived sigh and got up, she kisses his cheek, "Well thats good lets go." Amy said as she started to fix her quills. "No no," Shadow interrupts holding her hands. "It's nothing really you just stay here and I'll be right back.
Amy let a loud defeated sigh. "Fiiiiinnneeeee, I'll staaaaay." Shadow shakes his head and kisses Amy's forehead. "I won't be long,"
   Amy stared at Shadow patiently watching as he left out the front door.
   As the door closes shut Amy snickers getting off the bed and quickly getting ready to go out. She mumbles to herself, "Yeah right stay put, as if!" She slips on her socks and boots, her gloves, her headband. Quickly she heads for a mirror though her quills are messy she brushed and like magic it stayed down.
  "Perfect." She remarked to herself admiring how pretty she was. And with quick agility she went out and followed Shadow from a safe distance.

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