Chapter 15

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   Amy panicked as soon as she saw the smoke she ran with Knuckles closely behind her.
   Blaze bursted through the flames and the house crumbled to the ground taking everything in it.
   Amy quickly grabbed Blaze and began pulling her away from the flames Knuckles tended to the Sol Emeralds making sure all were in check.
   "Blaze are you insane!?" Amy yelled, even though she knew she wouldn't get a response.
   Knuckles gently placed down the Sol Emeralds and checked on Blaze's pulse. He sighed, "She's okay but these burns aren't going anywhere anytime soon."
   Amy quickly pulled out her phone dialing 911 and frantically calling for an ambulance.
  Minutes ticked away untill an ambulance came by and hauled Blaze away in a whisper Knuckles heard Blazes plea to protect the Emeralds.
   Both watched as a fire truck arrived killing the spreading fire.
   The earth shook. Amy groaned in Frustration. "What now?!"
   Knuckles grabbed the Sol Emeralds and kept them close as the earth continues to tremble. In the distance Knuckles saw a bright light at the top of the building. it swayed left and right till the Iight stopped.

   Sonic screamed at the top his lungs leaving a terrible laugh as the machine exploded sending the Emerald to Sonic's feet.
   Tails stayed down on his knees trembling alongside Silver. Few bricks and lights fell from the ceiling. Shadow slowly stood up on his feet feeling the building start to creak and snap.
   Sonic breathed heavily his quils struggling to either stay blue or black.
"You think that's gonna hurt me? a little light? ACK!" Sonic stood on all fours his eyes changing back and fourth.
   "Yet it looks like it." Shadow spat.
   Sonic laughed noticing the Emerald in arms reach and pounced at it holding onto it like a life line. Shadow took a step back the building continued to rock back and fourth one bad step and the building would collapse.
   Sonic screamed in pain and laughed. "If I all are going w-with me!" summoning all the strength he had left he sucked the energy from the emerald charged a chaos spear struck the floor.
   Panicked Shadow yelled at Silver. "Get out now! it's collapsing!"
   "What about Sonic!" Tails screamed over the falling bricks. "GET OUT NOW!" Shadow Snapped.
   Silver didn't hesitate he grabbed Tails and lifted him carrying him across the lab to a hole in the wall, Tails kicked and screamed to be put down. Silver leaped out of the building leaving behind Shadow and Sonic.

   Amy ran with Knuckles close to the building chunks of the building began to fall. And in a matter of seconds the place broke apart and a cloud of dust engulfed all around.
   Amy's eyes widened she frantically looked around and in the distance she saw a cyan blue aura. "Silver?! Tails!" she shouted.
   Safely Silver dropped down and landed. Tails sobbed silently leaving Amy in the dark.
   "Silver w-wheres Shadow? Where's Sonic!" She pleaded. Silver looked away and Tails couldn't speak.
   Alarmed Amy ran to the crumbled bits of the building and started to shout out for them tears upon tears fell down her cheeks shouting and pulling off chunks of concrete and wood.
   Silver looked around and spotted the Sol emeralds with Knuckles. "Where's Blaze?.."
   Knuckles turned to Silver. "She's in the hospi-"
   "Shadow!" Amy's voice boomed over Knucles. she continued to pull out pieces and soon Shadows body emerged and Sonic's was not far bellow. "Guys get over here!"
   Silver Knucles and Tails rushed over to her, the dust began to settle and Shadow was soon out of the rubble a gash was across Shadows forehead and arms some parts were twisted and bones were broken. Amy pulled Shadow away and layed him down near soft ground.
   Silver and Tails brought Sonic nearby too. Knuckles grabbed the chaos Emerald and went along with everyone else.
   In the distance an ambulance and firefighters came towards them. Transporting everyone to the closest hospital to tend to everyone.

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