Chapter 8

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   Leaving the city in crumbs Sonic slowly walked pasted Shadow, smiling Sonic slowly lifted Shadow by one of his quills.
   Voice cold and firm Sonic lightly spoke. "I'm heading out for something and when I return get ready...I'm coming for the fox too.."
   Throwing Shadow back on the ground Sonic continued to laugh until he was out of sight.

   Minutes maybe hours passed and Shadow could only remember Sonic's chilling words.
   As much as it pained him Shadow slowly stood to his feet, his arm hanged as a bone stood ripped out of his skin, Shadow slowly gave a yell as he held his arm and pulled his bone back.
   His agonized screams filled the air, stumbling, Shadow ran to the building and slowly tried to remove small chunks of the building.
   He soon stopped and sees Knuckles glove, then quickly dug more.
   In no time the pieces of concrete and glass moved away and revealed Knuckle's mangled body with a few glass shards in or through him.
   Shadow notices his chest barely rising, he was breathing softly but he was alive. With a painful sigh Shadow picked up Knuckles with one arm under his shoulder and stumbled back home where Tails and Amy were waiting so desperately.

   The sun began to rise over the horizon. To Shadow's relief the house was still standing and safe. The lights were on which meant they must still be awake,Shadow continued to stumble with Knuckle's weight feeling heavier and heavier with every step.
   "Tails! Amy!" Shadow screamed at the top of his lungs. Soon he collapsed dropping Knuckles along with him.

   Tails and Amy ran out to see Shadow and Knuckles on the floor. Amy gasped Knuckle's life was hanging by a thread, obviously she took in Knuckles first while Tails took in Shadow.
   Slowly both placed them onto the couch and let them rest enough.
   Amy slowly sat next to Shadow examining his wounds, "His arm..its been broken into two.." Amy explained. Softly she began to rub the wound.
   Shadow would begin to groan from the pain and opened his eyes.
   Shadow couldn't help but try to stand, Amy saw this and quickly stood to sit him back down.
"And where do you think you're going?"
   Shadow growls and stands to his feet anyway making Amy back away from him.
   Tails runs up to Shadow, "Come on you both are seriously injured just sit and let me at least get my first-aid kit.."
   Shadow looked at his arm, "Its nothing'll heal tomorrow and it will be just enough time to get him again...stay here Tails...please.."
   Tails shook his head. "I'm not taking any chances Amy look after them I'll be right back."
Shadow tried to keep Tails inside but Amy continued to get in his way.
   And with that Tails fled outside towards a his shack and looked around for his kit.
   "Come on where are you?" Tails mutters.
   Shadow continues to Try and get Amy out of his way, too in pain too speak.
   "Get out of my way!" Shadow snarled. "What's so important that you can't sit down!" Amy yelled.
   Grabbing his kit at last Tails heads for the door, grabbing the knob Tails notices the door doesn't move at all as if it was a decoration on the wall.
   "What the?" Tails then turns and checks the other doors.
   Everything even the windows were shut tight as if they weren't real.
   Suddenly behind him, Tails hears a chilling voice down his neck.
   "Hey Tails..long time no see.."

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