Chapter 12

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   Sonic took longer than he thought making it back, he walked towards the house checking through the window to see no one was home. Frustrated he broke into the house, breaking the door down.
   Empty? He thought. He began to walk around the living room, the kitchen, and upstairs.
   "Where could they have gone!" Sonic roared. Running back to the front door he saw the passing images of his friends ,Tails, Knuckles , Amy, everyone.
   At the door he turned back at the photos, a sudden pain engulfed Sonic bringing him to his knees. The pain felt unbelievably enjoyable, laughing off his pain he began charging another orb.
   "I'm gonna burn this place to the ground!" He sneered.

   Tails made sure everyone was up and early, though his broken leg wasn't much help he continued to be with the group, luckily Blaze helped by wrapping a strong bandage together around his leg.
   "Are we there yet" Amy complained.
   Tails sighed "Almost there Amy."
   Tails was up front with Shadow and behind them were Silver and Blaze and in the back Amy, and Knuckles was left back home resting.
   She seems so snappy today, Tails thought. Wonder why.
Passing the city that Sonic destroyed was slowly being filled with volunteers, firemen, and police looking through the rubble for possible survivors and clean the city as much as they can. A few ambulances would pass by once in a while.
   It was sad to see all these people lose their homes and loved ones in the blink of an eye. Tails thought. Sonic needed to be stopped. He just has too. He wouldn't see it coming.
   Little did he know a figure was looming above them watching carefully.

   It's so funny to watch them try I might as well watch and see what these idiots are up too, Sonic thought.
   He watched them as they all entered a tall familiar building.
   Sonic's mind spined what do they all think they are doing here what could they possibly find in all the rubble I left. Sonic chucked remembering Eggman's terrified face.
   "Oh...what's this?" He watched down below to the entrance of the crumbling building.
   "We can't all go. Two will have to stay the building is too unstable." Shadow explained though Sonic knew he was staring right at Amy.
   Sonic slowly began to pry into Shadow's mind careful to not be noticed.
   "The hell..." Sonic whispered. Why can't I read his thoughts?.. Sonic turned his head to Amy who was turning red hot in anger.
   Sonic sneered as he read into her mind. "Sol emeralds? that's their plan?"
   "Fine!" Amy screamed. Pushing Sonic out with her sudden outburst Blaze hesitated and turned to Shadow.
   "Nice job genius." Blaze spat, and began running towards Amy.
Sonic chucked "I'll keep a close eye on Amy..."

   Once Amy and Blaze were out of sight Silver looked at Shadow.
   "Yeesh Shadow did you have to be so rough on her? She only wanted to help us." Silver said.
   "She wanted a reason why she couldn't go so I gave her a reason." Shadow replied, without giving Silver a chance to continue the conversation any further he turned to Tails helping him go up the stairs.
   "Come on let's go this place can collapse at any minute." Shadow said.

   Amy and Blaze headed to the demolished city helping those around who needed it.
   Pulling off pieces of rock and concrete Amy mumbled. "Who does he think he is..."
   Blaze looked at Amy. "Um Amy?"
"What?!" Amy snapped.
"I...I was gonna ask if you'd like a bottle of water? I'm going to a shelter nearby to grab some." Blaze asked.
   Amy looked down in embarrassment. "Oh okay. Yes please and I'm sorry I yelled its just he sometimes just pushes my buttons."
   "Tell me about it Silver always drives me insane at times. I'll be right back." Blaze turned her back at Amy and began a small sprint.
   Amy watched as Blaze sped off, and turned continuing to help those around her, seemed keeping others happy was the one thing making her happy right now.

   Sonic sat on a tree branch not to far from Amy watching her silently, slowly, entering and leaving her mind, watching as Amy's temper rose till she began to cry out of frustration.
   Sonic sneered,"This is gonna be fun..."

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