Chapter 14

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Blaze ran and ran as soon as she felt a strange vibe from the Sol emeralds.
I must hurry something feels terribly wrong so so very wrong. Blaze thought, she ran through the tall grass and past street after street till something ahead of her made her heart sink.
A fire.
A fire was burning through Sonics own home along with Tail's workshop.
The sol emeralds! Blaze frantically searched the place the fire is just one of many it'll take too long for the firefighters to stop the flames.
Blaze stepped closer to the burning flame seeing the walls and windows break from the flames licking them.
Blaze felt the trickle of sweat on the back of her neck as she calmly walked closer and closer.
"The flames cannot harm me..." She whispered hoping that she was right, she placed her palms over the fire and slowly manipulated the flames to move aside leaving room for her too pass.
These flames are not mine...I cannot hold them back for long.. She thought.
Blaze stepped into her little opening and began to move around, ignoring the stinging pain and retched stench of her flesh burning she walked faster each step draining her.
But she felt them she felt the coolness of the Sol emeralds calming her empowering her to find them to get them out to safety.
And so she did with the door burned and broken Blaze stepped through grabbing the emeralds.
She held two in each hand and cradled the other three close to her chest. The pain was unbearable she began to cough as her powers couldn't keep the smoke away. The flames drew closer threatening to burn her alive.
Wasting no time she ran out feeling the fire burn her purple dress she saw the exit.
There stood Amy and Knuckles each with terrified expressions. With the little energy Blaze had she bursted through the flames full of burns missing pieces of fur and horrible bleeding wounds the fire left.
Once Blaze felt the fresh air enter her lungs she felt her vision blur and sirens blare.
Blaze collapsed along with the building behind her.

Placing the emerald inside a small case in the machine he heard a laugh it haunted Shadow.
He's here. How did he know we were here Shadow thought. "Did you hear that?" Shadow whispered.
He turned looking at Silver and Tails they were staring at him their eyes wide with fear.
Shadow gulped hard at the lump in the back of his throat and turned. He was facing Sonic, he could practically feel Sonic's breath.
And his eyes they were not normal they were red, blood red and they gave a horrible feeling in Shadow's gut even though he knew his eyes were the same but Sonic's, no his glowed along with his fur.
Getting a closer look than before Shadow saw his fur black like death it even shined as if it strived for it.
Sonic slowly smiled he could sence Shadow's fear along with the others his claws and fangs sharpened as he fed off their fear.
"This is so lovely.." Sonic sneered. "Your fear is such a delightful feeling..."
Shadow stepped back as Sonic spoke. Slowly he heard clacking behind him fearing the emerald started up the machine.
Sonic closed his eyes enjoying himself as he absorbed their fear it seemed only to make him stronger.
Sonic smirked looking at Shadow, Sonic continued. "You know you can't beat me..."
Shadow narrowed his brow not trusting his voice Shadow nodded no.
"It's actually you who should be afraid!" Silver shouted as the machine hummed louder and louder shaking almost.
Silver pushed hard on the machine pointing it to Shadow.
"Shadow get down!" Tails screamed.
Shadow nodded as Tails pushed some buttons.
Once Shadow got down covering his head his vision went white as a bright laser engulfed the room shooting into Sonic.

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