Chapter 18

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   Waiting patiently Amy paced the hospital lobby her hands shaking in shock. It's been two months since Eggman's lair collapsed leaving Shadow with some broken bones and cuts but Sonic was left in a long coma since. After Amy and Shadow's fight she spent the rest of her days by Sonic's side talking about her day and The shanagins Knuckles and Tails have been in.
   She spoke out to him even if she didn't know if he heard her or not. It gave her peace but still. She missed his cockiness and cool attitude Amy would cry at times starting at his peaceful face.
   Today was diffrent he woke up he woke up screaming at the top of his lungs the doctors rushed in it was a flash and Amy was pushed out as the doctors frantically tried to calm him. Amy didn't know what went wrong she was scared Sonic seemed so afraid when he screamed it kept replaying in her mind in a loop.
   Nervously she kept pacing a doctor stepped out of the room with a tired breath he spoke to Amy.
   "It's okay he's alright..we managed to keep him down.."
   Amy nearly in tears pleaded to see him again the doctor continued saying that Sonic body is still in a state of trama he simply needs rest for her to come back tomorrow. With a heavy heart she left the hospital slowly walking towards her home crying softly.

   "This place is a mess...whats wrong with you?" Rouge spoke out as she picked up an old pizza box from the floor.
   Shadow groaned. "The hell do you want..."
   "Don't you be grumpy with me! Come on you haven't left your home in weeks! Let's go out and do something!"
   Shadow groaned and got off his couch dropping some cans from his lap. "Why...what did you have in mind?"
   Grabbing Shadow by his wrist Rouge forced him outside with her the sky was dark yet lit up by many stars. "Look it's beautiful out how bout some club or treat?"
   Shadow grumbed rubbing the crust out of his eyes. "I mean you dragged me out already...not like I can go back you're one stubborn bit-"
   "Language!" Rouge shouted. "I'm a lady now come on I gotta dress you good just look at yourself.
...theres a store nearby let's head over there!"
   With a sigh Shadow walked with rouge downtown. Things have slowly been getting fixed after the city's destruction. The city was determined to be improved and better than before. Even though Shadow was picky with Rouge's fashion picks he settled with a leather vest and a bit of a touch up on his quils.
   "Not quite what I had in mind.." Rouge bickered.
   "You want me dressed or not..."
   "I guess so. Let's go the night has just started!" With a quick grab of his arm Rouge rushed to the closest Club in the area it didn't take long for the blasting music to hurt shadows head and besides he lost Rouge in the crowd.
   He stepped out he sighed and reached in the pocket of his vest he held his chaos emerald he never leaves it outta his sight as he closed his eyes and focused on the emerald he opened his eyes.  The blasting music was too much.
   "I gotta get away...this place is terrible..." placing the emerald back in his pocket he wandered off around the town to find some peace and quiet.
   As he walked he found a quiet street without hesitation he pulled out his emerald and focused once more.
   His ear twitched he groaned. "What now..." he mumbled. The sound was growing nearer what was it he pondered 'crying' he thought? It was heading closer so he followed at a corner he turned only to bump into Amy.

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