Chapter 19

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  Sonic's head was pounding his heart rang in his ears he stared around his surroundings his mind empty and his heart torn. This isn't right he thought. In the corner of his eye, he saw a shadow creep to him.
   "It's you." Sonic snarled. 
   His shadow circled around him, two red glowing eyes staring back at him, slowly the shadow began to form. 
   "Yeah so what..." his shadow snarled. "You've chosen a wonderful prison for us." He continued to circle around Sonic. "Such a shame too I was only beginning my destruction until those idiots demolished the lab."
    Sonic covers his ears as screams echo around him yelling begging for help. Sonic screams in pain his world shakes. His shadow stares down at Sonic. "What have you done...What did you do!" Sonic's voice trembled. 
   "What I did?" he scoffed. Sonic's shadow looked around the empty space suddenly sitting down in defeat. Confused Sonic did the same sitting down in the empty space. "You shouldn't be here," Sonic said.   Sonic's shadow stared down at him. "You don't get it, do you...I am you I've always been a part of you."
   Sonic stared in disbelief but knew deep down inside him there was an itch clawing at him from the inside out once he was struck by Eggman's ray. That itch grew and grew until it manifested and turned into this dark side of him.
    "It doesn't matter what you think or what your friends think you cant get rid of me you never will." Sonic's shadow sneered.
    Sonic stared at his Shadow a mirror image of himself, Sonic paused, "Then I won't." "Excuse me?" His shadow growled. Sonic extended his arm at his demon all the dark thoughts he's ever had every horrible thing he has done. With this thought in his heart, Sonic began to grow brighter and brighter. His empty dark world would soon start to melt away leaving only a sky blue color. Sonic with his hand out persisted "The sooner we finish this the better."
    His shadow stared at Sonic he grinned a wide sick smile he reached out for Sonic's hand grabbing it his form began to fade to Sonic. "That was quick," Sonic said. As his Shadow phased into him his Shadow whispered. "That's what you think...Time moves differently in here.."
   With a gasp, Sonic opened his eyes his body in tremendous pain he slowly began to be aware of his surroundings. " I'm in the hospital?" he whispered. The heart monitor beeping was the only thing waiting for Sonic as he woke up. Despite the pain, he was in Sonic reached out and sat upright wires around his chest and arms prevented him from going further.
   Soon after removing every wire on him he removed the heart monitor clip making the machine utter out loud a long continuous beep. Rushed footsteps hurry to Sonic's door.

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