Chapter 9

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   Shadow began too shove Amy out of the way. And stumbled to go outside. Amy close behind him.
   "Where do you want to go that's so bad!?"
   Soon Amy's question was answered by a terrifying scream. Shadow's eyes widened and he began to run nearly falling in the process.
   Tails was huddled up against the wall trying to get away as much as he could, screaming for help as Sonic continued to get closer to him.
   Sonic slowly smiled. "Your screams only make me more obligated to rip your throat open..."
   Tails began too cry he banged on the doors, the walls, and the windows. He tried breaking the window with his hands but the glass was as hard as the walls making tails break his knuckles.
   "Oh my god! Tails!" Amy screamed she followed Shadow and tried too open the doors. No anvil.
   Shadow began too ram the door with his good shoulder, Amy seeing this pulled out her piko-piko hammer once more and began too swing at the door.
   Sonic's smile grew wider, only inches away from Tails. Slowly Sonic reached his hand toward Tails, grabbing one of his twin tails Sonic slowly pulled Tails up.
   Shadow struggled too move around hoping to find a way in. Looking through a window Shadow was able too see what was with Tails, his eyes widened as he saw Tails with one tail, and in the figures other hand was his ripped off tail...bleeding.
   Tails countiued too scream and wail, he knew it would be the end for him.
   "Sonic!-" Tails begged. "Snap out of it! PLEASE!"
   Sonic growled and threw Tails towards a shelf making everything fall onto him.
   Amy kept hitting the door leaving small dents onto the door Shadow slowly reached into a pocket and remembered a choas emerald he had.
   As fast as he could he screamed. "Chaos control!" In a brilliant light Shadow then appeared inside the garage and in front of him Sonic held a piece of the shelf broken with a sharp edge. He aimed at Tails.
   "NO!" Shadow yelled, and with that the door flew open along with Amy's hammer. Running inside she couldn't believe her eyes. Next too her hammer was a yellow fox's tail.
   Sonic chuckled, "I'll be back for you, you just wait..."
   Sonic then vanishes in thin air, Amy rushed to Tails and helped him up, Amy held Tails up onto his feet.
   Tails grabbed onto Amy for support for his leg was broken. Shadow growled.
   "My-my tail.." Tails whimpered. Amy slowly grabed his tail.
   "It's only been cut-" Amy spoke. "We can still stitch it right back up too." Tails slowly gave a smile.
   "I told you too stay inside." Shadow growled as he exited the place.
   Amy patted Tails back and helped him limp towards the house.
   A bright flash suddenly filled one of the rooms of the house, worried for Knuckles they all ran in only too see two strange figures.
   Both wore cloaks with big hoodies covering their faces, one of the figures was tending too Knuckle's wounds the figure wore a purple cloak and the other a pale white color.
   Amy, Tails, and Shadow stood in shock to the strange intruders.
The white one turned too the group and recognized Shadow.
   "Oh hey Shadow long time no see right?" Removing his hoodie and revealed to be Silver the time traveling hedgehog...

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