Chapter 3

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   The lamp slowly moved side to side with the wind that was hitting it. The time was a fuzz to Sonic for the room was so dark, not a window in sight.
   "You're such an arrogant little rat, well not for long anyway." The intercom continued.
   Sonic growled. "Eggman! Where am I!?"
   As if on cue a metal slide door opened and Eggman actually looked like a doctor for once. White cloak glasses even a stethoscope around his neck.
   "I'm glad you asked. You see we are in the operating room for a little project." Sonic continues to try and break free from the restraints on him, as Eggman came closer, stroking his mustache.
   "Aww why so nervous..I haven't even begun yet." Eggman was besides Sonic and close to the door came Orbot and Cubot. Eggman gave the silver plater to Orbot for assistance.
   Sonic continues to move again only harder. "Let me go, you maniac!" Sonic ordered.
   "Ah ah ah cant do that..." Eggman slowly grabbed a scalpel from the silver platter.
   Sonic's eyes widened with horror as Eggman lightly placed the scalpel over Sonic's chest even though he was trembling Eggman slowly dug the scalpel into the skin, revealing Sonic's blood and muscle.
   "Gah!! Eggman! Please STOP i-it hurts!" Sonic continues to scream and holler as Eggman dragged the scalpel down to his waist, making more blood ooze from the new cut.
   Sonic couldn't do anything but watch as the doctor played with him like a lab rat.
   "Now that that's done.." Eggman smiled and grabbed a towel, smearing off Sonic's blood. With bloody hands Eggman pulled down on the rag in front of Sonic to reveal that a purple laser hid under it.
   "Behold! With this device I can finally have the most loyal henchman for my army! Nyahahaha!" Eggman continues to laugh as Cubot approached him with a red Chaos Emerald.
   "Here you go boss." Cubot handed the Emerald with a smile and backed away.
   Sonic scoffed. "Where are you gonna find someone powerful to be loyal to someone like you?"
   Eggman only laughed, placing the Emerald in a case in front of the machine Eggman began to explain.
   "You see Sonic, I've discovered something very dark to the Emeralds power... Just like there is a light energy to them, there is a dark and so I've-"
   Sonic began to snore, interrupting Eggmans explanation.
   "Would you at least listen to me?!" Eggman growled.
Sonic suddenly woke up.
   "Then just tell me what you're going to do!" He winced as the gash great bigger.
   Eggman smiled, Orbot and Cubot started to leave the room taking out all equipment except for the ray which was starting to charge with the Emerald.
   "With the dark energy inside this emerald I'm going to make your mind empty and blank just to serve me and only me."
   Sonic only paused for a moment and began to laugh. Frustrated Eggman pulled a lever making the table Sonic was on tilt and face the machine.
   "Hahaha don't make me laugh like that Egghead you know nothing will ever make me join you!"
   Eggman scoffed. "Don't you think I know that? It's the reason I'm going to leave a powerful amount of negative energy into your heart and blood just to change you, to make evil be your only thought and to serve me."
   Eggman began to laugh maniacally as a buzzer rung making Eggman leave the room.
   Sonic looked around too in pain to move much .Suddenly a light went on in the other side of the window.
   Eggman,Orbot and, Cubot were standing on the other side watching Sonic like a hawk.
   Sonic could only watch as the machine inced closer and began too hum. This is not good Sonic thought.
   The intercom turned on and Eggman's voice was heard.
   "Enjoy your last seconds of free will rat, in a moment you will be mine! And I will take over the world!"
   Sonic watched as the laser began to crackle with black electricity all around.
   A countdown began in the intercom which made sonic even more frightened.
   A females voice was heard in the intercom. "Project "X" will begin in T- 3...2...1...0."
   A loud buzzer began and the lights went out, the only thing that was seen is a black bolt of energy being shot Into Sonic..

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