Chapter 6

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   Eyes shut, Sonic stood over a building, watching over the citizens below. His eyes snap open to the pitter patter of boots running towards him.
   "What the hell do you want?" Sonic hissed.
   Amy flinched, Sonic has never spoken to her in such a manner.
   "Did...did you beat up Knuckles?... And Tails?."
   Sonic scoffed, "Yea I a problem with that?" Amy noticed Sonic's eyes changing red and backed up a bit.
   "Who are you! The real Sonic would never do such a thing! Especially to Tails!" Amy screamed.
   Sonic fell silent, Amy's anger quickly vanished as Sonic walked closer.
   "Amy..." Sonic growled. Quickly Sonic grabbed Amy by her neck and pulled her off her feet.
   "Listen to me dear... Tell the others...That your dear Sonic will never return...." Softly Amy tried to break free from Sonic's grip.
   Sonic began to laugh, "Adorable.. Trying to break free? Trying to leave me?!"  Sonic continued to laugh, he threw Amy down to the ground. Sonic scoffed and walked back to the edge of the building, with his back facing Amy.
   "I can't believe why sonic watsed his time to save your pathetic life..."
   Amy's heart shattered, this wasn't Sonic, he would never say such a thing, soon he began to laugh again loudly his voice echoed in the darkening sky.
   Sonic's smile grew wide, his quills began to float up as a black arua engulfed him.
   "Now better get your worthless self back to the hole you crawled out of and tell the others..."
   Amy slowly backed away crying, "hurry up." Sonic growled. "Or I'll kill you first!"
   Sonic's yell made Amy jump and run, making Sonic laugh even more.
   Sonic's laughter followed and haunted Amy home where Tails and Knuckles were waiting, along with Shadow.

   Back home Knuckles, Tails and Shadow were starting to plan.
   "I see..." Shadow said.
Amy barged into the door and a loud rumble shook the ground. Tails shot up to his feet looking outside.
   Half the city was engulfed in flames and demolished buildings.
   "What's going on out there!?" Knuckles spat.
   Amy slowly began to cry, "Its Sonic.." She repeated. "Something... Somethings wrong terribly wrong with him.."
   "Ya think?!" Knuckles yelled as he ran outside.
   Shadow, and Amy ran outside to Knuckles to see chaos rain over the city,the air was filled with debrese and smoke the sun had fallen but the fire was just as bright.
   Amy without a doubt knew who caused it all.
   Shadows brow narrowed, "So Sonic really has lost it this time... I'm gonna have a look myself.."
   "I aint letting you go on your own." Knuckles said calmly.
   "You could use the backup at least.." Tails explained.
   Shadow nodded and with knucles close behind they both ran to the center of the city.
   Unprepared for the terror that awaited them.

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