Chapter 11

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   The flames roared and Sonics smile only grew wider his eyes burning red with desire for destruction.
   A shining yellow light captured Sonic's eye as he has found what he was looking for.
   Sonic walked towards the rubble and kicked off the ash a yellow emerald shined, a sick laugh escaped Sonic's throat.
   "One more.." Sonic rasped. He held the emerald tightly feeling the emeralds power flow through him sending chills up his spine.
   "And I know exactly how to get it.." Laughing Sonic flew up out of the town and looked down at the chaos he caused.
   Cars flipped over people screaming in pain, I should end this town..Sonic thought.
   Slowly he raised his hand and pointed down too the rubbles of the town.
   In the blink of an eye Sonic sent a blast so powerful his ears wiggled in the heat waves it sent. He curled his lips up showing off his fangs.
   "This is only the begining of my destruction! DO YOU HEAR ME?!" He screamed.

   Amy sat up with a fright her heart seemingly wanting to escape her chest.
   "Sonic.." She whispered under her breath.
   "Amy?...are u ok?"
Amy jumped with a fright only too see Shadow sleeping near her.
   "H-huh? O yes I'm ok-" Amy whispered." What are you doing up?"
   "My arm kept bothering me." Shadow admitted. Shadow noticed Amy cried in her sleep and he gently held her cheek and wiped away the tears.
   "Are you sure you're ok?" Shadow whispered.
   Amy blushed at Shadow's gesture but quickly moved aside.
   "Just a nightmare..I'm fine." Amy sighed. "Just..scared of what will happen next..."
   Shadow couldn't help but give out a chuckle. Shadow's always had a soft spot for Amy the only reason he would hate Sonic so much was from the disrespect and push aside Amy's affection.
   "We're all scared Amy...but really you should get rest wouldn't wanna wake the others." Shadow gave a small smile.
   Amy saw Shadow's heartwarming smile something she rarely ever sees, butterflies built up in her stomach. Not trusting her voice she managed a small nod.
   Shadow slowly layed down secretly smiling, she was blushing so much he thought.
   Did he see me blush.. Amy thought. Slowly she too layed down and tried too sleep.
   A few minutes pass and Amy could not sleep until a thought came to her head. Slowly but swiftly Amy began too get closer to Shadow. She felt his chest fur tickle her neck as she inched further with him.
   "Nnmm.." Shadow slowly groaned and ever so slightly he hugged her as if she was a stuffed animal.
   Amy smiled and thankful she didn't harm him as she nuzzled him, in no time at all did she quickly fall into a deep slumber.

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