Chapter 7

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   Amy slowly sat on the living room couch, with Tails comforting her the best he could.
   "Don't cry Amy..." Tails slowly began to pat Amy's back.
   Amy couldn't help herself she felt helpless, she wanted to help snap Sonic out of it, but she remembered the warnings Sonic left for her and the rest of her friends.
   All Amy could hope for was if Shadow and Knuckles can be able to rip Sonic away from his insanity.

   Roaring fires engulfed the city, buildings began to crumble to the floor, smoke so thick you could cut it with a knife.
   Shadow and Knuckles ran in looking for Sonic no one was in sight and soon it began to rain.
The fire sizzled and hissed and a pair of bright red eyes stared out towards Shadow and Knuckles.
   "Well well well.." The voice echoed. Shadow and Knuckles kept themselves at high alert. "I told you..the next time you'd see me you'll die!"
    The figure broke into laughter revealing himself, slowly Sonic walked to them.
   Shadow's eyes widened Sonic was coated in blood from head to toe, it was a horrific sight.
   Sonic smiled wide and quickly ran towards Knuckles. Knuckles was standing beside Shadow and the next thing he knew he was pushed against a wall, with intense pain.
   Shadow was shooken up from the force Sonic used in that one attack, Sonic smirked and continued to punch Knuckles repeatedly.
   Shadow flinched at the sounds of bones breaking and ripping apart, he acted quickly and tackled Sonic to the ground.
   Knuckles fell to the hard ground,coughing up blood which began to drip from his nose.
   Sonic snarled demanding to be let go, Shadow has never seen Sonic so hostile before. Shadow quickly charged up a chaos spear and quickly tried to hit Sonic but ended up on his back as Sonic stood over his chest.
   Sonic smiled revealing white sharp fangs, Sonic grabbed Shadow by his shoulders and twisted his arm back pinning him.
   Shadow's eyes widened as a sick crack filed the air, Shadow screamed in pain, Sonics smile only grew wider he tightened his grip.
   Shadow gave out a screech. "CHAOS CONTROL." Shadow pulled away from Sonic as time froze he stood behind Sonic terrified to see Sonic staring back at him.
   Sonic kicked Shadow hard to his chest bouncing him back, Shadow layed on the floor. Slowly trying to stand Sonic placed his foot over Shadow's head.
   Sonic laughed. "AND THIS IS THE ULTIMATE LIFE FORM?! HAHAHA! don't make me laugh you pathetic lab rat." Slowly Sonic kept adding pressure to Shadow's head.
   Knuckles slowly stood and saw what was going on and, limpingly, ran towards Sonic.
   Sonic only flinched at the punch Knuckles threw, Sonic's head snaped in an awkward angle. Knuckles couldn't believe his eyes, even with his neck snapped Sonic was standing as if nothing happened.
   Sonic turned with disgust filling his face. "You shouldn't have done that.." Sonic hissed. Slowly as Sonic walked towards Knuckles his neck snapped back in place.
   Before Knuckles could even think Sonic fliped and kicked Knuckles back to another wall, Sonic laughed and started to charge a green orb onto his hands.
   Shadow looked up his eyes blurry from his broken arm, all he saw next was the building falling onto Knuckles before lossing consciousnesses from blood loss.

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